Weekend Cafe 19-07-14 ..Comets Party hangover & Noodles waiting room :)

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum TDK Cafe Weekend Cafe 19-07-14 ..Comets Party hangover & Noodles waiting room :)

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    Back from the mountains. Internet was spotty and went unused by me for the most part. My big question….how is Noodle? From the comment above mine, I’m thinking he’s okay. Running off to check another thread. Hope everyone is well.

    ETA…just saw the video in this thread. How sweet! Noodle is back in business. I’m so relieved that he’s okay.


    Hi ECB! *waving*


    Hi, Joan! Looks like I may have missed a party. Did Comet have a birthday?


    Welcome back ECB! *waves*
    Evening Joan, BB, KZ!

    So glad that Noodle is home Buttons! Wow he looks to be back to himself, doing all the requisite kitty things, in his too-cute jumper! BTW there area group of Agency kits wanting to visit and napping in the meantime. Plse let them know when they can come by.


    Dorry thanks Comet and Autie Joan for fab par-tay. Or he will when he gets over ‘nip hangover. Hope you enjoyed the summer floral bouquet that he sent through the wormhole all the way to NJ. He says that he also made his bed and washed his noms and water bowls. Whatever else he got into, I have a “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy LOL. He spent most of day like this:

    Dreaming of being great rat hunter like this:
    Try explaining to him that it’s not option until he can open my door, open stairway door or elevator, open both entry doors and lastly find some green space. Plan B has him paying visit to Auntie Joan, or Auntie Buttons, or Auntie KZ or Auntie Jean or Auntie MS where he can hone his hunting skills. As long as he’s not out of my sight for more than 2 seconds LOL. And doesn’t bring me any travel “presents”.


    Awwwww LOVE Mr. Noodle’s adorable pix!!! Thanks for sharing them with us. Precious little baby boy! SO glad he is ok and enjoying himself. Love the one of him snuggling with you too! How sweet of your vet to call you late in the evening to let you know how he was. I have been so worried about him. He must feel so much better now! Interesting pic of his stitches and the little sweater looks perfect! Give him a kiss and hug for me!! Healing prayers coming your way! HUGS to you both!
    *Waving HELLO* to everyone here.


    AV, purrhaps Miss Abby was just trying to demonstrate her flexibility and top form!
    Emily, GR8 news on business plan! You didn’t ask me for advice, but I would post ad/flyer in all major vet clinics and DMV, as well as contact Mondou and Global Nourritures et accessoires. *She didn’t ask you KJ!* Work in marketing/as copywriter/translator couldn’t help myself, just wanting to help. Bluebelle is adorable, one of the Café’s contingent of gorgeous “noirs”. Did not wear me out in any way having to “click” for pic LOL.

    Buttons, just watched Noodle vid – he seems so very alert for all that he has been through. Blessings that his recovery continues at a sure and steady pace. And that pinky jumper … awwww!!!

    Yeah, Dorry “helps” me make bed. Places himself exactly where I want to tuck duvet in. Fights me for control of bedspread. Dives under same as furry lump and then we play “Where’s Dorry?”. Somehow manage to get the task done. LOL


    Hey ECB, Comet did indeed have a birthday party yesterday. He’s 4!
    Evening KJ & BB!
    I did get the pretty bouquet of flowers, thank you Dorry/KJ! And yes, efurryone pitched in and cleaned up.
    Speaking of cleaning up, Comet is on the hunt. He caught a mouse earlier this evening and I hear him running around now, after another. Tomorrow I must get out the steel wool and see where they are getting in. Have a good idea since I see where he sets himself up to catch them.


    Lol Joan I just had an imagine in my head of the tom & Jerry cartoon and comet is watching the little mousey door 🙂 😆

    I had a good sleep last night but Nutini has rudely woken me.. I’ve fed her so I’m hoping she go away from the bedroom door soon..

    Noodle is doing great! He’s full of energy this morning.. Eating his breakie and chasing after Meowmys toes!

    Must catch up properly with lasts nights cafe but I’m gonna nod off again for a little while first it’s not 7 am yet..


    I finally got a chance to download the little video, Buttons. It’s so cute. I would have left a comment, but it wouldn’t let me. Noodle certainly had no trouble jumping up on you.


    Hi all, just arriving in the Cafe for the first time today. Love the vid Noodles post surgery. It’s as if he hasn’t even realised he only has 3 legs now.
    What a great wee kitten.
    Haven’t read any other posts yet, I just had to go for the Noodles vid.

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    Evening or rather really early morning to some, here @ this place and wishing I were elsewhere.

    Full house in here tonight, there are 6 of us working (actually 7 but the one leaves in a little bit) so hoping that it stays calm and cool this evening.

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    Always loved watching James Garner in his shows and movies, may he rest in peace



    Rest in Peace, James Garner. Was just watching “The Notebook” yesterday. Liked him in “Maverick” too and of course “The Rockford Files”, the theme song of which now seems to be an ear worm.
    Comet got another mouse! That’s 3 within a week, 2 just last night!


    Good morning Joan! I dropped in last night to read a couple of threads after daughter’s birthday cookout, but was too tired to comment. We ended up having a good weather afternoon, even though it started out rainy.
    AZ, I hate to see that James Garner died. Will read that link in a bit. When these actors and actresses start dying that I grew up watching, leaves me feeling a bit bereft.
    Buttons, watched the Noodle video and WOW! He acts like nothing happened to him. I am continually amazed at how quickly animals adapt to the most adverse situations. My vet has always said that cats are the toughest animals he’s ever seen. Cats have taught me so much and I have the deepest respect for them. Watching mom cats with their kittens gave me a different insight on patience and endurance…they teach without words which for me is more powerful than preaching.
    I am feeling lazy today, after yesterday’s cookout and cleanup. Hubby is gone sporting clay shooting, I would like to take a cat or two and get back in my blankets….. 😛
    KJ, you can send Dorry thru the wormhole, there are plenty of rats in the barns and some froggies in the creek. I mean really BIG rats, not mousie sized. I had an outside cat that used to kill them and put them on the welcome mat by the front doorstep! Quite a shock when starting to step outside, NOT!!
    Later peeps, I’ll check in again and see who’s up!


    Oh I’m glad the weather (mostly) held out for your daughters birthday :). And yes you should head back to bed with a few kitties 🙂

    I’m amazed at his progress too KZ.. He’s a tough little cookie 🙂 we always said that if Buttons had a leg missing he would have fared better.. And that’s even more obvious now.. Looking at Noodle who would now be considered in medical terms as “disabled” it really hits home just how disabled Buttons really was..

    People used to look at him and say oh he looks fine there’s nothing wrong with him.. But he basically never had any ability to balance even walking across my lap and he’s stumble.. Noodle just strolls across my lap and doesn’t stumble once .. Someday I’ll get to the meadow and I’ll see my Buttons walking and running normally 🙂

    Well I thought I’d be a good girl today and mow the lawn.. It’s very hot and humid here today which has brought out all the horse/doctor flies.. And yes you’ve guessed it I got bitten on the hand it’s starting to stiffen and swell now and I had to abandon my yard work
    🙁 will have to do the back lawn tomorrow I did struggle through and get the front one finished..


    Morning all! ….. Great Vids, so happy that Noodle is adjusting so well! …..

    ….. reading back threads to see what was up last night ….. we were at Bro’s house for our usual Sabbath dinner ….. I went early and showed SIL how to make my ‘famous’ chicken wings ….. they were a big hit and out of 64 wingeys only 4 were left (I think there were 8 of us eating) Mr. AV and I usually only eat 4-5 each, as they are usually big meaty pieces …. I also made the ‘slaw’ to go with them and some homemade chunky blue cheese dip to go with …… yummy!!!


    Sounds like a lovely dinner AV!!

    It’s made me hungry 🙂

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    Morning everyone 🙂

    My workday is almost done, yay and it can’t be too soon…..one of those days where it drags and drags and drags….


    Morning Buttons and Deb! ……

    Buttons, how is Noodle this am? ……

    Deb, yay! for the end of workday! ….. I hate those days that drag on and on!! hope you can get some good rest later on!

    ….. just watched Trisa Yearwood make creamed beef on toast ….. brings back good memories from childhood ….. my grandma used to make it on leftover biscuits and she used sausage instead of ground beef …… really good comfort food!

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