Friday 10-5-2024 – Clean Up Your Room Day

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum General Chat Friday 10-5-2024 – Clean Up Your Room Day

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    If kittehs had rooms they would purrobably be vast wastelands, overflowing with what they consider “good stuff.” Then again in any home, ALL rooms belong to the kittehs!


    This tune and esp the vid are way fun!

    After pm F/T appt went to our huge library via subway. Now have 8 bks in the KJ library.

    Doing a bit of a rethink as to whether I might do better getting Dorry the 1x radioactive iodine treatment. Got good info from one of the 2 places who do it here. Various considerations of course (I think one of the 2 vets I see had this done for her kitteh). Will confer with vet and then clarify any issues for myself. Lots of time as boi would have had to be on med for at least 2 mos. prior so looking at the Summer. But I always feel less stressed when I take action.


    OUR window, no body helps, moving dust bunnies!

    My cousin had the ISO 131 done on her Darby. It did what it was supposed to do but she still had give thyroid meds. every day. Good luck on that decision, KJ.

    It’s Monday (for me), rainy day, too! Enjoy your FryYay!

    Mor coffee~


    Clean–it seems to be all I do.

    The sun is shining for the moment, but not for long. It is a lot cooler today, but it’s really nice outside.

    Tomorrow is weigh in at the local fair grounds for dairy feeders. Avery is taking a feeder steer (they are smaller than a big beef steer) to the fair this year. They weigh them now, then again at the fair to see the rate of gain. Mr. KZ, Avery, and Avery’s dad will be doing the honors of getting the steers to the fair and back. They aren’t halter broke yet and still want to jump and kick and drag you if they can. They aren’t big animals yet, but they still weigh around 500 lbs., and can drag Avery across the yard if she doesn’t let go.


    Thank you Mr. Cat; I’ll clean my mess

    After lots of calls I’ve gathered the info I need should I opt for RI-131 for Dorry. Including a pet transport service which will be useful even when taking the boi for vet visits, cheaper than taxi.
    Good that my vet clinic has contact with specialized vet clinic. Now just need to discuss plan with vet/my doc. But feels less stressful when I gather info.

    Cleaned and now spin and rest eagerly awaited.

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