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    I just wanted to say thank you again soo much to everyone who is helping me out. It really means the world to me. You are a wonderful bunch of people.

    CW, I think OW is right. I got an email saying you did too but it was an echeck and needs to clear so hopefully it’ll go through soon. ๐Ÿ™‚


    Hi, Gini

    I made a contribution to little Taco’s vet bill. I really want a siamese or a kitty with siamese markings but have 6 cats currently. So no meezer for me right now. I am living vicariously through little Taco and his adventures. I wish you the best with his continued recovery!




    Thanks Tina! Taco is actually a ragdoll, although he does look like a siamese (I have a lot of people ask/think that he’s one). They can look very similar. Thank you very much for your contribution ๐Ÿ™‚ and hey, 6 cats? Always room for one more ๐Ÿ˜‰ haha


    Gini…did you see Taco was the TDK yesterday!!!


    I absolutely love the avatar, ginirosaru, Taco looks so relaxed… he’s such a darling. Every time I see a picture I want to pick him up and hug him until he squeaks ๐Ÿ™‚


    I saw a pair of little black boy siblings, about 7 weeks old, at the vet on Saturday. OH they tugged at my heartstrings…but I can’t have more kitties. Must maintain equal numbers of humans and felines in the house. ๐Ÿ™‚


    I did CM! I’m so excited; I couldn’t believe it! ๐Ÿ™‚ It really made my day.

    Sio, thank you. Taco and Feeny both get along really well. If you look at the chipin page (link on the first post of this thread), there is the same photo that is my avatar but its a lot bigger/in normal size if you want to look at it.


    I wish I could offer some monetary help,but,can only tell you how wonderful a job you did as Taco’s meowma. He’s so adorable.

    I’m curious…what is the difference between a Ragdoll & Siamese?



    Siamese are very lean, svelte and short haired as well as very active and talkative.

    Ragdolls are robust fluffy with long hair and very loving and relaxed in nature and not too talkative.

    Rahdolls have siamese way back in their heritage!


    Thank you Suzie! Emotional support is just as important and wonderful as monetary. Thank you for your kind words ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m not really sure if I could say the difference between ragdolls and siamese kitties except for that they are just different breeds. I’ve never had a siamese so I can’t compare them ๐Ÿ™ I wish I could help! Maybe google or wikipedia can help understand the difference in personalities and looks.


    Thanks for the explanation LV! I never really knew much about siamese so its neat to learn the difference. ๐Ÿ™‚


    haaha welcome Gini! I researched raggies when I was looking at breeds. I love the coloration of raggies, and the size too, but it was the wild coonie that stole my heart.

    Well I started resarching breeds I looked at: russian blues, american bobtails, pixie bobs, for short/medium hairs, and raggies, wedgies, siberians and coonies. TOOK ONE LOK AT A COONIE PIX AND LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT FOR ME IT WAS! bUT, RESEARCH HEKPED to decide if coonies would be a good match for me!


    Besides having Hissy (I’ve never been owned by a Snowshoe before), I was owned by another siamese,Daisy. She was total talker. That cat was so tuff,she would stand up to absolutely any size dog that ever crossed her path.

    So…are all ragdolls long-haired?


    Ragdolls are medium to long haired. Taco barely sheds (actually, our short haired cat Feeny sheds more than he does) and he’s never had matted fur before.

    Daisy sounds adorable. Taco was really tough too. When he came to us, he was 1 1/2 pounds and our Feeny was 14 pounds. They’d snuggle, but they’d also fight (playfully of course) and Taco would always win! He can kick Feeny out of a chair any day.


    *giggling* at the visual of Big Feeny & Little Taco. It reminds me so much of my Misty here standing up & kicking butt of her bros. Spunky & Rusty.


    Yes Susie raggies and their counter parts ragimuffins are long haired only unless an owner shaves them!

    There are a few breeds witht he siamese patterns:

    raggies, birman, siames, snowshoes, himmies, British shorthairs, American Bobtails, American shorthair have the coloration!


    I was once owned by a Birmese (he grew to 22 lbs. of mama’s boy. lol

    Was also owned by a Siamese/Himmie mix (Bootie,if you recall) & now Hissy,the snowshoe. I’d love to be in a ‘place’ in my life where I could have one of every breed.

    *making note to self that I must visit the Cat on the Kings house*


    hehhheeh! Susie! Well I wouldn’t want one of every breed, but the American bobtail and Mainecoon’s hhave my heart. I had a barn cat that looked just like a coonie when I was much much younger under 5 actually, and when i was 9 I adopted a bobtail kitty she was gorgeous a tabby with a rumpy tail she has three babies one was born with out the use of his back legs that baby died the other two lived and found homes. So bobtailed babies and coonies are for me! One day I’d like to add a coonie or two to my MaxMax’s feline family and a bobtail too hahahah!


    Eeeek, Susie, that’d be QUITE the full house! LV, I agree with you that bobtailed cats are adorable, as well as mainecoons. I love all kitties really.


    WOW, Ginirosaru, you are up to $540! ๐Ÿ™‚

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