taco’s chipin page

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    and another bump


    It seems as though alot have read about Sarah and Taco but I’m really saddened to see such a small number have found it in their hearts to help. Please help, even if you can only spare a dollar, that would mount up quickly! If every TDK member would feel what the Lord is guiding their hearts to do. You know you should…even if it’s only a little. Please! Please!


    P4M–please don’t make people feel badly if they can’t give. Guilting people to give is in very poor taste, IMHO, and bringing the Lord into it is even worse. People do the best they can and if they choose to help, they will.


    I agree FH, some of us can barely help themselves and being made to feel guilty because we cannot give is just wrong.


    Everybody is doing the best they can to help and dumping guilt on anybody will not make them give more. In fact, it might turn people off from giving at all. Bringing God into this will not change things either. Those that can give will give – those that cannot will not.




    There are also different ways to help out besides contributing money if you can’t manage that. Just copying and sending Taco’s Chipin page around will help tremendously as well. I sent it to 2 cat groups I am on. I am blown away by the amount which has been raised in such a short time. What I really like about this Chipin page is that it does not ask for a specific donation. It doesn’t matter how big or how small it accepts it. This is a very good way of raising money and I am going to implement it on my website if I can to help my Heros out with donations.


    Well said PP. Nearly $1000 dollars in a month – TDK rocks!


    Thank you again everyone, and I agree. It’s not even about just monetary support either. Just the emotional support I’ve had from all of you has helped tremendously. I love all you guys so much! If you can’t help with money I am still so grateful because I know that you’ve all been here for me emotionally and would help if you could. I hope to do the same if and when any of you are in need. I am very excited and cannot believe how much help I’ve gotten thus far.


    Madcatwoman, Owlwatcher and Gini you may be interested in knowing that through you all I discovered Chipin which I had never even heard of before. I sent it to my September Hero, Mary Alice of Jollity Farm in England and today she managed to get it up on her site to help bring a beautiful, abandonded dog home to Jollity Farm. She is absolutely tickled to have found out about Chipin. If you would like to take a look at what she has done you will find it here:


    Just scroll down till you see the picture of beautiful Cara.

    I have learned so much since MIU brought my attention to TDK and I too am grateful to all the wonderful people I have met on this site. I only wish I could spend more time on her getting to know all of you better.

    Thank you all for being you. Cat lovers are absolutely the best people in the world (a little wacky maybe but still the best)


    fh&ow,I’m sorry you both disapproved of my post. Mark my word,I won’t ever,ever post again!


    Purr4me, please don’t feel that way. We are all family here and sometimes have disagreements, just like flesh-and-blood families do. Sometimes wording comes across differently in this type of forum than if we were all standing around talking in person.


    I agree with Catwoman, Purr4me, please don’t let a post or two upset you so much that you don’t post again.


    Someone re-post the Coke rules!


    Purr, please still post!! We all know you meant well, and I know you were just trying to help my precious Taco out. Some people just didn’t agree with the wording of it, but we all know you just meant the best so please still post! I love to hear from you!!



    I am sorry if my reply to your post might have sounded a bit harsh, but did you ever stop to think of how hurtful your post could have been to somebody who did not have the money to help but badly wanted to? Keep in mind that it is not cold-heartedness that keeps people from donating to Taco’s chip in page, it is a lack of money. Your post about people not donating really hurt my feelings as I would love to help but cannot even help myself right now.

    If my reply to your post keeps you from posting again, I cannot help that nor will I let it make me feel guilty. I won’t beg you to continue posting, although I do think it is kind of silly to allow two people disagreeing with you to chase you away.




    Taco is a kitten that we have watched grow up here on the daily kitten. He was very sick for a long time but is now happy and healthy. Take a look at the original post on this thread and click on the link for the chip in page to see pictures of him and read his story.


    also, if you look on ginirosaru’s avatar, you can see Taco – he is the white kitten laying on the other cat’s back.


    OK, Everybody, get your claws back in and the fluffed up tails back down to the normal size. This chipin was not set up to make anyone feel guilty about whether they can help or not. OW, I am a little surprised by your reaction. Many of us helped you buy a computer when you asked for help. And many of us, me included, did pray about doing the right thing. So, God or whoever one believes in, answers and delivers when asked either through prayer or meditation. So, I will chipin again. Because I want to not because I have to or because anyone made me feel guilty.

    Purr4me, I hope you won’t stop posting because of remarks made by another or two. I hardly ever post anymore because of the cat fights. It is easier to sit on the side lines and be a lurker but sometimes I have to speak up.



    My reaction had nothing to do with people praying about what to do and listening to what they felt God was wanting them to do, it was about using God to dump guilt on people who were not able to contribute to Taco’s chip in fund.

    I did contribute to taco’s fund. I did the best I could, but I wasn’t able to give much because I cannot even pay my own bills right now. And to hear somebody trying to make me or anybody else who is in my situation feel guilty because they are unable to give, really hurts. What is even more hurtful is that you make it sound like I am ungrateful for the computer everybody bought for me when the exact opposite is true. I have done as much as I can and will continue to do as much as I can to pay it forward. But I cannot even help myself at this point and it really gets to me when somebody tries to make me feel guilty when I cannot give something that I do not have.

    This is the last I will post regarding this on this thread as this thread is meant to help ginirosaru and Taco.

    If you or anybody else wants to continue this discussion, please start another thread and let’s get this thread back on topic.

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