Christmas Day Cafeteria

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    Merry Christmas


    Actually, WWM, all that’s waiting at home is leftover pizza from last night <bleah>

    How are your girls today? I hope Windi has a nice, non-scary day. I feel sorry for her, being so skittish. If she ever needs George to come shoo away the scary things, he’s happy to volunteer.



    It has been so busy here! As usual I guess. We got up and went to church this morning. When we got home we finally got to open the presents!! Deuter was the highlight of the day! His first Christmas. He was chasing ribbon and jumping in the wrapping paper! He had a ball. He is now snoozing with all other animals. I guess that the human half of my family is hungry. The fuzzy members already had dinner. Turkey for Teaser and Deuter, and beef stew for Kasey and Lissy. Time to get the vegetable tray together so we can nibble!

    Kilroy I am so sorry you are blue–I would be too with no one around. Remember you should stay here so everyone can keep you company!


    Just checking in again before daughter and her beloved arrive.

    Hi, WWM and SMM!

    Kilroy, time to have a heart to heart with hubby and tell him that although he doesn’t celebrate Christmas, it is important to you. You can do the decorating (George-proof?) and dinner planning. Buy presents for the two of you or ask him to please get you something from a list you give him. It can be done. 🙂

    Gotta go!


    KW Merry Christmas and pass the wishes on to the rest of the family! Have a great time with your daughter and well the whole family, but remind Mr. KW–no repeats of Thanksgiving–just a nice peaceful little Christmas!


    NO!!!!!! You live in NYC – order in something exotic!

    The girls had a HUGE Christmas! I think that they are in toy overload. Some of the things that we got that we thought they would love they have totally ignored. But they got five toys with feathers and those are the hit of the day. Windi has been very brave and wasn’t at all afraid of the wrapping paper. In fact, she discovered bubble wrap and was biting the bubbles!


    You go Windi!! Bubble wrap is fun and the paper is great–Deuter will not stir you wrong on this!


    Good girl, Windi!! {{Windi}}

    KW, I hope you and hubby have a wonderful Christmas, after your too-eventful Thanksgiving.

    Hi SM! *waving*


    Waving back Kilroy!


    …..rolls in cafe and sighs!……. “I’ll take a Tums Martini”…. make that a double!!!…. Hair frizzled from “hot” kitchen…. hands red from dish washing…. clothes spotted with an assortment of dishes where apron didn’t cover…… Round 2 – over……. I need a nap before Round 3 !!!!

    We got the cats all feather toys (except Cuddles, who we got a crinkley bag because that’s her favorite thing). Abby sniffed hers; Venus (tard) just looked confused, but Luna promptly grabbed hers and ran upstairs to stash it under the bed….. along with my feather duster that she confiscated from out of the cleaning closet, and the feather pen in my office…..

    How is everyone’s Christmas day?


    Just a quick pop in to say hi to everyone. Just got out of a shower and we are getting ready to go over my nephews in about an hour.

    I wasn’t in the Christmas spirit until I saw Maddie see her kitchen, then it was Christmas.


    CM – I love little girls and their kitchens! I remember when we got my daughter one, she cooked up a storm for quite a few years! My niece (4) got one today…. thousands of little accessories (food & plates, cups, etc.) that go along wit it!!! I miss those years, but don’t miss picking up all that stuff all the time!!! LOL. Hope Maddie enjoys hers!


    AV, she LOVES it!!! 2bpurring sent Maddie some pots and pans for it and BCAM sent some food, a set with cupcakes and baking goods and a basket of veggies and fruit and we have been cooking and baking cupcakes all day. It’s been the best!!! Daddy and her have been enjoying the kitchen more since Mommy was in the real kitchen 🙂


    …..thinks she needs a “virtural kitchen” instead of a real one…. that way, everything would clean itself and the food would have 0 calories!!! LOL

    Go Maddie….. Hubs and I ate hundreds of the most delicious “pretend” meals that daughter could whip up!!!


    I posted a few picture to my multiply account of Maddie at Christmas…We took a video the first 10 minutes or so. I don’t know if I can post that it’s from hubby’s phone…we will try later.

    We are off. Take care everyone!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!


    Oooooooooooh, so much turkey and chocolate……………..


    Just finished up my lovely Christmas lunch/dinner. Minute steak, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts with butter and lemon. Oh and had some deviled eggs while I was prepping my dinner. Now I am too stuffed for dessert but that will be Ferrero Roche chocolates. The remote control mouse was a hit with the kitties but it broke after only 10 minutes. So I guess I need to find a better one. There is fresh catnip for later for them. I managed to clean up my kitchen and am now going to go into a food coma for a bit. Naptime.

    CM, that is so cool that Miss Maddie has a nice cookset and that 2P and BCAM got her the accessories. I had a friend who had one when I was a kid and we would play with hers. I had a tea set that was given to me when I was 6 but I do not recall whatever happened to it. Probably got thrown out with my stuffed animals. Oh well.

    Kilroy, sorry you have pizza for dinner. I too second what KW said about sitting down with hubby to discuss how important receiving/giving gifts on Christmas is to you and also how nice it is to receive gifts on one’s birthday. It got too hard to purchase gifts for my parent’s and the gifts they have gotten me have been so far from what I actually wanted that thankfully they just do small things like a book or a scarf (which I will never use). I go out and purchase what I would like to have.

    Sending AV a nice large Tums Martini and a virtual chef and cleanup crew.


    burrrppp!!! (excuse me!) covers mouth with paw and blushes in shame……

    Funny fact – Nef (the pig) gets indigestion sometimes (ya think – i.e. nachos for a snack yesturday!!!LOL)… anyway, Son says when she gets a tummy ache, she will start squealing real loud, so his vet said to give her a tums every now and then, and it will help……. wouldn’t ya know…. it worked!!!! She was squealing to wake the dead this afternoon, so I threw her a tums in her trough (remember – SHE IS A PIG, SO SHE EATS ANYTHING)… 15 minutes later, she’s passed out on her pink pillow, quiet as a mouse and snoring happily LOL!!


    SMM – I absolutely love brussel sprouts! I didn’t make them this Christmas because I had quite a few “little ones” (under 10), and they’re not adverterous enough to try them, however, my family loves them! (they’re really “little cabbages”, but try telling a 4 yr old that!)…. anyway, I saute mine with bacon, onion, garlic, lemon peel, thyme, butter and olive oil. Sooooooooo yummmmmmyyyyyy~!~!~


    NEF DELIVERED A PINK PILLOW??? No, I misread it. Would have been a lovely sight – a half of dozen pink pillows happily oinking and eating on Ma.

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