Caturday Café-25/5/2024-National Sing Out Day

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum TDK Cafe Caturday Café-25/5/2024-National Sing Out Day

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    The day shows the importance of singing for both fun and health. Singing has been shown to make people happy, reduce stress, and produce endorphins and oxytocin. This feel-good hormone cocktail can lift your spirits and strengthen your immune system.

    Mine is classic rock but there are so many excellent bands. Bob Seger is my fave!

    It’s great to know you weren’t directly involved in the Tornado, JJ. You’re welcome, KJ.

    I heard a loud boom and the power is out. It happened about an hour ago.

    Guess it’s bedtime ~


    No words will soothe your pain. You’re in all of our thoughts, KZ.


    Thank each and everyone of you for your warm thoughts. My sore heart can surely use it.

    JJ, I know exactly what you mean about the invisible tiara–Leona wears one all of the time!

    So I’m stripping the bed and putting on clean sheets, cleaning litter boxes, and running the sweeper. I’ll go out later and put some garden stuff in the ground. I need to go back to the garden center too and pick up some more stuff. The guy that runs it told me to come back today, they were unloading a bunch more stuff last nite and I would have more to choose from. His fresh produce is trickling in too, so I got a bunch of fresh stuff. Strawberries, Tennessee tomatoes (I could smell them when I got out of the car), potatoes, peaches, bananas!


    Sing as if no one is listening as don’t be shy!
    Many of us sing out of ear shot as not to upset our neighbors or pets!
    Alas our kit’s usually sing whenever or early AM ! Sometimes as wake up call as times for noms! Whatever works!
    Well it’s already late afternoon on a beautiful cater day! Almost start of Summer’s first weekend! Time to get out for some vitamin D!
    Enjoy rest of pretty day kits!


    Good evening – Comet was the singer in the family, but sometimes Huey wants everyone to know that it’s 5:30am!

    Beautiful day here in Jersey, the shore is packed!

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