Need to know if some things are “normal”

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    Awww! It looks like you have a little oriental mix there! She is so precious!

    And I am so happy Jax pooped! We always celebrate poop. It means things are working right! (though it’s a little hard to be happy when they poop EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME) My fosters were definitely poop monsters… So much….. Anyway, sounds like Jax just needed some time to digest. (:


    Chaos: will you check my most recent posting

    ( )and give your input. You seem like you are a very knowledgable source and I would love to have your opinion.

    and yay for poops!!!


    I am so excited to see what she looks like as she grows up. We have a 10 yr old Siamese mix and it’s so crazy bc she looks just like he did as a kitten (he’s long been neutered so he didn’t sneak out and knock anybody up lol).

    Today she figured out she could scratch her head with her back leg. So cute!

    I LOVE watching them discover the world. It is almost as rewarding as a real human baby lol

    She is such a pig! She is close enough to 4 weeks old I suppose but she’s been eating about as much as 4 week old for a few days and she puts it away fast. It’s the same nipple she can make last 20 minutes if she wants to so I guess she is getting greedy haha

    I am so glad to hear that Jaxxie pooped! It’s always a relief. This evening I was getting a little worried b/c my baby had not had her usual poops but after our feeding a short time ago she made the biggest poop ever. She actually didn’t scream much this time when pooping so I hope we are getting past the whole “I hate to be stimulated to poop” thing.

    Though I’m still not sure… when should she start pooping on her own? I have seen her go over to a corner of her tote, assume the pee pose and pee on her own but she has yet to do that with pooping. She’ll be 4 weeks on Sunday… should I start introducing her to a litter box?

    Still no name yet but I think I am close to making a decision =) Of course I will excitedly report back when I do!


    Also had she not had to go to the vet where they told us she was a girl, I think by now I would have started to figure it out. It is getting less hard to tell and it looks like the vet was definitely right!


    I got Jax’s litterbox last friday which made her about 4.5 weeks old. I got kitten litter that is meant to attract kittens, and the smallest box i could find. When I got home, i put her in it and scratched it with her paw a couple times and she immediately went to the bathroom. It’s kind of strange how instinctual it is to use one! She hasn’t had an accident since and loves having the independence of being able to go on her own because she also HATED being stimulated. So much hahaha. SO I say go for it! If s/he doesn’t pick up on it right away, keep reintroducing it and s/he’ll get it in no time 🙂


    Just make sure to get non-clumping litter! Sometimes they eat it and it can cause problems if it clumps. Man, I wish my cloud was still young like that! He used to roll over to pee. It was so cute! I miss kittens <3

    Participant did you know when your baby was able to be left home alone?


    When he was pottying on his own (: You can leave them home between feedings, just give them some toys in their pen. Then when they are fully weaned they are good to stay home alone and out of their pen. But be sure to give lots of love and attention when you get back so they know it is ok to be alone and you will always come back.


    And she will be done with the bottle simply when she stops taking to it and loses interest?

    Thank you for your advice. No research is better than talking to someone about their actual experience. You have helped me so much! As always, I am grateful.


    You will have to get her eating wet food. Give that to her first before you give her bottle, and scale back the bottle feedings by an hour or two. only give her the bottle if she eats some wet food. Cloud was on his bottle till 6 weeks old but he could barely suckle by then. And my fosters stopped at 4 weeks old. Just every couple of days scale it back until she is eating her food with gusto. When she accepts it without hesitation she can stop with the bottle.


    She is eating wet food now. She eats about 7hours apart. She has wet food mixed w/KMR and then drinks about 6teaspoonfulls (almost 30CC) of KMR (1:1 KMR/water). She loves her bottle and just purrs and snuggles up when I feed her. How many feedings a day did you give your little guy when he was 6weeks old? My vet has been a little wishy-washy with the specifics and I am a total planner and love to know more specific information. Thank you 🙂


    I gave him two or 3 a day. I had a constant supply of kitten kibble mixed with wet food too so he could try it out. I also believe it should be 1:2 kmr. She should be off the bottle at 6 weeks and on kibble (or whatever other diet) at 8. I think as long as she will eat most of her wetfood and use the potty by herself she should be ok by herself between feedings.


    I will probably try out a litter box situation in the middle of next week then, we’ve got to get her a bigger tote that way it can fit a little box (figure we’ll just use a disposable shallow pan to start out with). Jax, what is the name of the litter you got that is supposed to attract kittens??

    I was also wondering about the whole bottle/weaning thing myself so the above conversation is very helpful! I am going to try wet food mixed with KMR with her again this weekend. I’m hoping she’ll start giving it a try.

    I finally feel like I’m starting to get in the swing of things with her and she seems much easier now. I have college courses that start back up this coming week so we will of course have to rearrange our schedule a bit and get into a new swing of things with her but at least she is much less needy than she was 2 weeks ago.

    The sweet baby also has a name now. We named her Moki =)


    Miss Moki has decided I am the devil today. I got her a much longer bin today that could house a small litter pan. I introduced to it and she seemed to think it was the most terrible thing in the world.

    I also bought her Royal Canin kitten mousse food and she shows little interest. She did lick her lips a few times when sniffing it. I left some in her bin so that if she walks through it or something maybe she will clean it off her feet and think hmmm this is pretty good. I think I’m going to start mixing a little bit in her bottle so she starts to recognize the taste.

    I just have a feeling she’s gonna be a hard one to get to like her litter and to get weaned.


    It is tricky, but its ok to let them go hungry for a little bit. Give her a bottle after she plays around in her food and eats a little. For the litter, stimulate her in the litterbox and have her dig in it. Just take her little paws and dig them into the litter


    Well I was wrong about the litter box! Last night I showed her how to dig around in it a little and stimulated her to pee in it and much to my surprise I found her in there a couple times trying it out herself. Then she tried to poop in there but it was this horribly long poop lol so I helped her out a little so she wouldn’t get it all over her. I went to bed last night and when I woke up she had definitely been using the litter box to pee!!!! I stimulated her anyways before her bottle just to make sure but she didn’t have to go.

    Pooping still seems to be tricky for her. It looks like she might have had a little poop in the litter box.

    So now my question is, do I continue to stimulate her? If so do I do it less or what???

    I saw her cleaning her feet last night after some walking through the kitten food but the texture of the food doesn’t really stick to their fur so I don’t know how much of a taste she got. I tried mixing a bit with her bottle but that ended up being a failure because it quickly started clogging up the nipple hole, even when I enlarged it quite a bit. I don’t want to make it any bigger in fear of her choking/inhaling any liquid. She did drink a little of the formula mixed with food before the nipple clogged and she seemed to love it all the same.


    Also I saw some of that kitten attracting litter but I think it said clumping on it? Is there a non clumping version or is that clumping version still safe for kittens at all?

    I’m using a clay litter and it has such big pieces that I feel bad because I think it’s really hard for her to walk on.


    I don’t think any clumping version is safe for kittens. They will be ok in clumping when they are a couple of months old but the problem with clumping is if they eat it, it clumps in their intestines and can kill them. I used johnny cat and you can add kitten attract powder to the litterbox. Johnny cat is really cheap for a lot too and it isn’t huge chunks (:


    Ohhhh I’ve never seen the kitten attract powder. I didn’t realize there was a powder and a litter version. I will have to look into the Johnny cat. Or would plain old sand even be okay?


    Its better to teach them with whatever litter you will use (: They wont be hurt by eating a little non clumping litter. Just teach her its not food. If you see her eat it just pull it out of her mouth and put her near her food. When she walks away put her back and make her dig.

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