Feral kitten with milk coming out nose and mouth

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    Any and all help is appreciated!
    We have feral cats we feed outside and,while we are looking into a spay/neuter/return service nerby for them,they currently aren’t spayed/neutered,and about 4 weeks ago one of them had 4 kittens. Yesterday,coming in from work,I noticed one of the kittens had what seemed at first to be snot coming out of its nose,and was shaking. I have been trying to socialize these kittens as I plan to take in this particular one,so I picked it up to take a look at it and wipe its nose. It was coughing/hiccuping and immediately coughed up a big ammount of milk foam. Seeing my favorite kitten in a state of distress reduced me to tears and I rushed inside with it. I don’t have the money to take it to the clinic,and I feared that would further distress it and perhaps have a hard time trusting me in the future,as I already whisked it inside an unfamiliar place. After looking after it for about 10 minutes,it was still coughing/hiccuping but had not coughed up anything else,or spewed any more milk from its nose,and had stopped shaking (it may have been shaking because it was scared-my neighbor was mowing the lawn and the lawnmower was quite loud,but this week there have been thunderstorms,so wouldn’t it make sense for it to be used to loud noise by now?-or it may have been overheated,as the last few days have been a heatwave,but wouldn’t it be adjusted to the heat now?) It was mewing for its mother,as I think it must still be nursing,so I placed it back outside. This morning,I checked on it again and it was still coughing/hiccuping. I’ve read on other articles here it may have milk in its lungs,and that’s what I fear most. It may also be a feline disease to do with difficulty breathing? Another cat outside has a sniffle-y breathing problem,but I haven’t been able to get close to it.
    Any and all help is appreciated!
    I apoligize for the long post but I wanted to provide as much detail as possible.


    Yes, this kitten could have aspirated milk, and yes, it could also have a URI (upper respiratory infection) and it could have a cleft palate which allows milk to enter the nasal cavities and not go down into the stomach where it belongs. This kitten needs to see a vet NOW, or it won’t survive since it’s already exhibiting symptoms of distress such as the coughing/hiccuping. Call a vet and ask if you can pay in installments, or contact a humane society or ASPCA that will see the kitten. You need to tell them that you want to keep this kitten and want to keep it healthy.

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