Coming back with a few Questions!

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    It’s been forever since I’ve been here. I’ve missed you all so much. Today I received a kitten, it’s eyes open, but no teeth. My mom was at work, and a customer asked if we could handle a kitten because they couldn’t. My mother and I decided to take it in, and we’ve been bottle feeding it. But, it just cries. We’ve kept it close to us and everything though. I have a pretty good idea that it’s missing it’s mother. And I also think it’s teething because it will claw your hand and chew on your fingers, crying. Do you know of any ways I could help ease this? Or any chewing ideas if it is teething? Also, how old do you approximately think it is?

    Also, do you have any name ideas? It’s white with big orange splotches. It looks like a male, and looks as if it has longer fur. My mom wants to call him Oscar, but I don’t really think it fits him. Any ideas?

    Pictures of the sweet heart.


    Welcome back!!

    Call it Chatterbox or Fuzzbutt!


    Hi, Jessalyn, welcome back. We’ve discovered a new set of video clips on Youtube on how to raise orphaned kittens while you’ve been gone:

    They are terrific and cover all the basics, and one of the first ones will help you to work out how old your new kitten is. A soft toy in the nest with your kitten might help comfort him and give him something to chew on. Best of luck.


    I’ve edited with, not very good, but the basic idea of what my kitten looks like!

    Also, thank you for the good luck! And thank you for the video. I will watch it!


    Ohhh, he is adorable. He looks two to three weeks to me, but the video will tell you, it tells you when they start getting their teeth through…


    Thuuuuuuplooooooooooooooooof! ! ! !

    Welcome back and what a sweet wee kitty.

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    Welcome back and ohhhh how cute! I like Arcalian’s suggestions for names 🙂


    I don’t have experience with young kittens but I just wanted to say he’s sooo cute! There are a ton of good color inspired names for orange kitties. Isn’t Colby Jack the cheese that is white and orange? There’s also cheddar, shasta, fanta, cheeto, valencia (for a girl.) And as you get to know his personality something may come to you. Good luck with him!


    Thankyou.! I like Colby Jack.. It’s cute!


    Hee hee…Colby Jack is fun for a cutie patootie! Warm welcome back!

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