What is a special memory as a child with food

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    I enjoyed stopping for a DQ treat after swimmming when Up North! Our dog, Rusty got a cone in a cup…Kitty, Winkie got a smidge and we got “Dilly Bars”!

    2 Popoki

    Jean – wondering what you mean by “Up North” … it is a phrase we used all the time, too. Lived in Milwaukee (well, West Allis) and went Up North to the lake.

    It was at the resort there that I would get the best strawberry soda !


    Root Beer Floats at the A&W, of course….where did you go ‘up north”?? I am in the Montello area….do you know Portage?


    LOL, 2POP….I was thinking of YOU when I asked Jean where up north! Maybe she was a Lake Puckaway girl, too!

    2 Popoki

    LOL That’s was I was wondering!


    “Up North” is way up there in Oneida County, 3 Lakes, WI…AW we stopped there

    too for a “Black Cow” and Onion Rings…heartburn heaven now! Is there an AW

    still in Portage area…Hmmm, sounds like a road trip if ever in the vicinity!


    When I was little and we went to visit my grandmother, my cousins and sister and I would go to the beach and at some point the ICE CREAM TRUCK! would show up. We got these ice cream cones wrapped in paper that had gumballs down at the bottom of the cone, you had to eat the whole thing to find out what color gumball you got 🙂

    Thanks Jean, for starting this 🙂


    Ohhhh, you were way up north then…..actually, I remember the A&W in Waupun…hmmmm, actually not sure about the A&W in Portage anymore…..I think it might be gone now.



    My grandpa’s corn fritters!!!!!!! My aunt once stabbed me in the hand with a fork, I went for the last fritter with my hand and she used her fork..can you believe after she stabbed me with her fork, she grabbed my fork and ate the fritter!!!LOL


    Family vacations were down the shore and we would go to an ice cream place. I almost always got a chocolate milk shake!

    KH, when hubby and I bought our house over 20 years ago, there was an A&W uptown. Soon after we moved up there, they closed. We loved having those root beer floats with the mugs right out of the freezer after a day on Greenwood Lake.


    My aunt’s Sweet Tea. My mom never made iced tea, so one of the highlights of visiting the grandparents, aunts, uncle and cousins was Aunt Manda’s tea.


    When the whole family went to the “tasty freeze” and get ice cream cones. They were the chocolate/vanilla twist cones! No one has ever made ice cream that good since! YUM! 2bp, she STABBED U? Wow, she really wanted it!


    Dad would take the kids and drive to the nearby dairy farm where they sold all kind of dairy products they made there. Including ice cream – huge fresh cones, dripping everywhere while you watched the cows. (Couldn’t get in the car with cones dripping like that!)

    Or Dad would pile the kids in the car and drive to Pick YourSelf farm – I have picked strawberries, blueberries, peaches, blackberries and more.


    Sweet reminder of berry picking…Up North again, raspberries, blueberries or

    black berries…savoring them while picking or having for breakfast with

    cream & bit of sugar!


    Oh YES! My Mom made the best strawberry jam!


    My paternal grandmother used to make homemade noodles. I think she cooked them in turkey or chicken broth. We -always- had noodles with a huge turkey at the holidays. My aunt learned from her how to make them, but they were never as good. I wanted to learn how, but didn’t get the chance. I wish I’d been more assertive about wanting to learn.

    Grandma never used a bowl, she always made a well of flour on the counter and cracked her eggs into it and mixed right there. She always said that it was harder to make good noodles on humid days. (I know humidity can affect bread). I loved her noodles…I could eat nothing else but noodles and gravy and be 1000% content. My mother-in-law used to make noodles too, but nowhere near as good as Grandma Hazel 🙂 But my grandmother-in-law used to make divinity at the holidays and that was good! That too could be affected by humidity.


    I don’t think this is what you had in mind, but here goes:

    I was a skinny child (in the 50’s chubby was good). At my checkup at 5 years old the pediatrician told my mother to feed me, every night, a cup of mashed potatoes made with heavy cream, hoping to put weight on me. She shoveled this crap which was like wallpaper paste into me for years. Today I gag at the sight of mashed potatoes!


    I was nicknamed “Auschwitz Amy” growing up I was so skinny. My doc also had a similar recommendation for my parents. They fed me all sorts of crap to make me nice and “fat” like the rest of the family. To this day I have a distorted view of eating, food, and what’s good/bad. I really am mad at that doctor for doing that. That was mean, I was just a very active child!


    Frozen custard cones from Sandy’s on Barton Springs Road in Austin!!! My grandfather would take me every Wednesday after we went to Kiddy Land, which was 1/2 price on Wednesday. It was an old-timey amusement park with rides just for little kids.

    And my grandmothers fried chicken and mashed potatoes! And her chicken and dumplings and pinto beans and cornbread.

    *sniff – I miss them all*


    wish I would have grown up with WWM, YUM!

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