Wednesday 22-5-2024 – World Goth Day

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum TDK Cafe Wednesday 22-5-2024 – World Goth Day

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    Being “Goth” isn’t just about wearing only black clothing. It’s an entire culture, with a “look” which gradually became more mainstream and made its way into the fashion world. A way of celebrating one’s uniqueness. The eye makeup – yes!!!!!!!


    Def has the look! And an amazingly catchy tune that stays with you.


    Well, the talent show was a success and all of the participants were so good! One girl sang a Taylor Swift song–she even looked like her. Avery’s group performed a ribbon routine to Katy Perry’s “Firecracker”. There was a girl with a glowing hula hoop and they turned the lights off in the gym, a boy doing martial arts. The gym was packed and the crowd was rowdy! It’s good to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself and feel the love from your fellow students and teachers.

    I am sporting a migraine today and I have so much to do. I need to go to the grocery and I’ll be stopping by a garden center too. Not really feeling like it, and there are storms in the forecase, but this is an open day to get this done.


    Good morning – there was a pack of goth students in the high school I worked at in the 90’s, super nice kids. The “scary” look served as a security blanket and confidence builder for the shy and awkward. Seemed goth kids always got blamed for stuff first, but they were just kids trying to get through high school.

    The talent show must have been so much fun! Sorry about the migraine, hope it eases soon.

    Witnessed the brutal side of the animal world yesterday. Star is one heck of a hunter, but I wish she would stick to mice and snakes. Hop free in the meadow, baby bunny.

    Another warm and beautiful day here, that makes 2 days in a row!


    I purrfer animals! The lights-they burn. Did you ever get Dorry a spiked collar?

    That’s great the kids have support to be who they want to be, KZ! Sorry about your migraine. 🙁

    I’m glad you saved the bunny.

    My appointment was about: years ago, I got a bariatric lap band for weight loss (I paid for it). Within 2 years, it slipped and I wasn’t able to get “fills”. This year, the Colorado VA started doing the surgery. The upper GI was to determine the slippage. The surgeon and chatted after the upper GI and he said I’m a good candidate. The surgeon doesn’t like the lap bands and has seen a lot failures with it. Soon, I’ll have the lap band removed and get the gastric sleeve. For the VA to pay for, I have to jump through any hoops. The slippage has caused a real problem with acid reflux. Yesterday, was the bariatric psych evaluation. The psych is a cat lover and working from home, her beautiful grey, fluffy girl joined us for a bit!

    Then I had a pedicure. Summer is sandals time so my feet get rough looking fast which means more pedicures!

    The furnace came on this morning when the temps. dropped to 32f/0c.

    Miss Gaea has her Solencia shot this afternoon.

    Now, mor coffee!

    Have a happy~


    Doesn’t like you; just a phase; they’re hot; love the goth hooman couple.

    JJ, sorry for the baby bunny. I forget that kittehs are instinctively hunters.

    KZ, sounds like show was sooo fun. Concats to Avery and her crew! Hope you feel better as day progresses.

    PG, you’re going through so much – hope that you can get it sorted out MY therpist is not a cat lover, but she loves that I love kittehs. And sometimes Dorry joins us for a bit too. Now there are quite a few kittehs in my knit gp – knitting and kittehs seems to go 2gether.

    After I brought in soft from balcony it didn’t rain after all, so back they’ll go – and if it rains, well efurrything dries – eventually. Hot day turned on A/C yest mainly to get rd of humidity.


    Didn’t grow up as Goth as older but was a Hippie! We still has best music through the years! Goth was a popular trend when lived in old neighborhood! It probably still is! Hmm had a black cat many years before Goth was trending! He Had a little white tuft under chin as Blackie-wacky, was a softy but looked scary with over-bite!
    Ok time for another cup of coffee as start Midweek fun! Have a pawsome day kits!

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