Update on Mr. Leeny’s teeth

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum General Chat Update on Mr. Leeny’s teeth

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    Mr. Leeny is scheduled to have at least 14 of his 27 teeth removed on January 13 at 10:00 AM. One of his lower front teeth, which the family dentist said were in the worst shape, has started to hurt to the point where the pain pills and extra-strength Orajel together won’t control the pain. Removal can’t be put off any longer, and the 13th was the first day on which the oral surgeon had an opening. Enough money has been donated and processed to pay for the removal of 14 teeth. Donations, however, are still arriving; if they can be processed before the 13th, Mr. Leeny may be able to have even more teeth removed that day.


    Leeny, I’m so glad that things are moving forward, and that Mr. Leeny will get some relief, which can only help you too, I would think. Blessings on all the wonderful people who have reached out to help you.



    What a blessing to finally have a date for the removal of his teeth and the greater blessing of so many that have been able to help finacially to make this occur. Praise God!


    The latest total that was processed was $965, and all of that was donated in December, of all months of the year!


    I’m glad he is finally getting to get this underway. I will pray for comfort for him until he can get thru this process and hope that the pain lets up long enough for a little holiday goodies..

    KYKAT 12 23

    Leeny, I hope you both are able to have a good Christmas in spite of Mr. Leeny’s pain. Blessings on all that are helping you, they are each angels in their own way!

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