Thursday 23-5-2024 – Lucky Penny Day

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum TDK Cafe Thursday 23-5-2024 – Lucky Penny Day

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    Most countries have ditched the lowly penny in favour of more exalted coinage. So purrhaps finding a penny is indeed lucky. For kittehs it’s simply “Show me the money.”


    No surpurrise here! :mrgreen:

    I have drop earrings with pennies in them. But what does one put in one’s penny loafers – dimes I guess.

    Wed nite and the sky lit up. I love lightning so long as the elecricity doesn’t deek out. Now it’s pouring – it was way hot and steamy today so part of light show is prob due to the heat.


    Morning TDKers!

    My internet is being a jerk. Painting was on the agenda but I have to finish putting up winter stuff. I spent yesterday at the laundromat washing bed spreads, etc.

    MG got her Solencia yesterday and is feeling good.

    Enjoy your Thursday. Mor coffee~


    Penny-lalala pennies from heaven! Anyone have a penny jar ready to fill up? You’ll be amazed as how quickly fills up if pay with cash! Sooner or later it’ll turn into few bucks! Many people don’t feel it’s worthwhile – start one for family kids, they’ll have fun learning how to save money for a future treat!
    Time now for cup of Java and breakfast! Soon have to get organized for early afternoon appointments!
    Another pretty day – will reach low 70s later! Time to get fresh air & sunshine today!
    Wishing all a terrific Thursday !


    I’m back (online)!

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