STEAMY Friday Cafe September 2 2011

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    Thanks, JK; you’re always such a sweetie and so cheerful. Your posts always make me smile (and not entirely because of your avatar 🙂 )


    Hi, Everyone! Stormy and steamy? We are just hoping that the new storm might decide to come ashore around Brownsville, TX which is our best hope for any rain.

    Does anyone have exciting plans for the weekend?


    I wouldn’t call it exciting, but Mr. K & I are planning to take a walk down to the area where the World Trade Center used to be to see how things have changed. I haven’t been since MCW was here.


    Morning all! I want what Kilroy’s having…booberry pannycakes with syrup. NOM NOM NOM 🙂

    I’ve got some stuff to do lined up for this weekend…just hoping Mother Nature cooperates :/ Supposed to have storms tonight/all day tomorrow. I wish I could send the storms WWM’s way instead! 🙂


    Hi all. Sitting in the lovely heat @sisters garage sale. Whoopee!! Well my moms kitten was gone today. She looked everywhere for him. She was sad. I told her to keep looking and she said she would


    Oh no, MC! I hope the kitten comes back & your mom can bring him inside.


    Tutu Mama…(you know who you are)…. Start thrusting those hips westward right now!!! Texas will be grateful for your efforts. Here is some motivation for you!!


    Coming in for some ice java…whew, it is even a bit warm in here today too! Aw Amy, maybe mom can do the tuna trick & he’ll show up as her furever newbie!


    12p – don’t encourage her!!! I don’t know how she did it, but it’s been raining here for weeks – not just our regular summer afternoon rain, either!

    I managed to get six hours of sleep last night – yay! Still will try for a nap later. I’m worried about Bobby – he hasn’t taken to the move very well. I think he has a fever last night and this morning but he seems to have cooled down now. I know stress can raise their temp so I’m hoping that’s what it is. He just ate some treats and ventured out from under the bed and now is grooming himself, do I cancelled his vet appointment – don’t want to stress him out taking him to the vet if it’s just stress.

    Milo, surprisingly, is doing well. Wanders all over the house and checks everything out. He may even like it here – though I’m sure he won’t admit it 🙂

    I’m dogsitting today – Monday and feel very bad having to leave the boys. I may leave the dog alone overnight tonight just to keep an eye on The Bobster. And I’ll be coming and going anyway, hanging out with the boys and checking in on them.


    Oh, NO!!!! Now I have that song stuck in my head!!!! 12P, how could you????

    We are doing a 61 mile bike ride tomorrow. The downside is it will be hot – as if that was a new thing! The upside is that we are having our traditional pre-ride lunch today of Mexican food. Ole!!


    Sounds yummy, WWM! If I am settled in and feeling well, I’ll be doing a 61 mile Livestrong ride near Ft. Lauderdale on October 2nd. My bike friend is moving to CA and this is his last hurrah. We’re getting some clients from the gym together to ride with us. It’s a good cause and should be a fun ride.


    …..*Hokey Pokies* in the Cafe, tutu twirling westward as best can……

    …. hmrphh!….. GD, I was just trying to cool you off a bit….. and it didn’t rain ONCE when I was down there last weekend!………..and it was unbearably HOT!!

    ….. doubling my efforts to send rain to Texas…….

    ….. just popping in before Mr. AV and I head out to the movies….. we’re going to see the new one about the golfer moving to Texas……. should be fun!…… will check in later……… I think I’ll wear the tutu to the movies under my skirt, just in case…….. I can always put on an ‘impromtu’ show in the lobby if need be……. LOL


    Noooo, you’ll set off the sprinklers in the movie theater!!!!!


    * blushes * ………… oh, GD! LOL (packs tiny umbrella just in case)……


    Tee hee…Av & GD you two are tu tu too much!

    Me, heading out to the always purrfect patio for some snuggle and more iced joe for a few, need to get in my Tuxie time befor I head north…c’mon kit, to the lounge chair! Purrrr….smooch, smooch…purrrrrrr

    KYKAT 12 23

    Afternoon everyone! I sm wathing the clock tick down waiting until I can slip on out of here and head to Memphis to see my friend. There is BBQ in my future! Have a great holiday weekend for the US peeps and a great regular weekend for everyone else.


    Have a fun yummy time Kykat!

    Here’s a link to a new ice cream place in brewtown…yum too!

    Custard mooove over!


    Sounds nice, KYKat!

    I’m headed into work in a few. Love the fact that we close at 8 instead of 9 on Fridays! Then I’m heading to a dog-sitting gig and then back to the boys at XBF’s. I’m supposed to stay overnight with the dog, but for tonight I will stay here to keep an eye on Bobby. The rest of the weekend I will run between the houses (they’re 3-5 min apart) buy sleep over with the dog so he isn’t lonely. There is also a couple of dog park trips in the plans for the weekend. And sleeping! And watching the US Open.


    Hi – anyone still hanging around here? I’ll wander to the night shift later…

    Super-busy here. Had a funeral to go to yesterday, then changed into ratty clothes to go thru stuff at mom’s. Must have been quite the sight; fancy pretty jewelry and cruddy cutoffs and old t-shirt & beat-up sneakers. (Channeling Tyra Banks: “model thru the clothes and sell the jewelry!”)

    Yesterday was not a good day to take off; went in today to lots of voicemails, emails, faxes and mail. Busy season – school starts next week!

    Doing some laundry for brother. Leaving the electric stuff alone and let it dry for a month or so, it might still work. Power stuff needs to be drained of water/gas/oil and dried out and that might work too. Hopefully the hot water heater will work as that’s needed sooner and there’s time before it’s furnace time. (Learned a lot from the flood of ’84.)

    Going to a 90th birthday party tomorrow. It will be good to get away from places where the contents of people’s homes aren’t out on the lawn to dry or out for garbage.


    Hi Joan! Glad to see you check in and to know you’re relatively OK 🙂

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