Shakespear’s kidneys are failing :(

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  • #645874
    KapitiKats in NZ

    Skyron, I’m so sorry to hear this. I’m sure you’ll provide him with the best of care. Sending you both lots of white light to make the coming days easier.


    Thanks for all the kind words everyone. We’ve had a series of bad experiences at dr Peck’s practice lately. Since he’s gotten so very busy, he has taken on 2 new vets, and 3 nurses, 2 full time receptionists, and an account manager. And lets just say the client support-experience has been sorely lacking since then . . .


    So sorry to hear this Skyron, new vet sounds in order. Sending gentle skritches to the grand old gentleman, and hugs to you.


    Here is his catster page with a picture of him –


    Bless his little heart! How is he doing today? Have you gotten a recent update from the “staff?”


    I posted this on your topic on catster. The links won’t work on here but I’ll post it anyway:

    A modified raw diet may work. You want to feed more fatty meat than normal. Fat is high in calories and low in phosphorus – I think that up to 1/4 of a cats diet can be fat? Protein isn’t the enemy for CRF cats – phosphorus is. But if you are feeding dry food please stop. That dehyrates kitties so much and CRF cats don’t need that when they are already prone to dehydration.

    You could also add a phosphorus binder to the food. I used Aluminum Hydroxide Dried Gel USB powder for Milo and it did help him.

    Another thing you may want to consider is giving B12. Alex, one of the members on here, has a site called One of the things talked about on there is giving B12 which I do think is very important for a cat who is getting sub-q fluids because the fluids wash out to much B12 before the cat can use it. Anyway, the article is here. I wish I had known about the importance of B12 earlier. I didn’t know about it till a few months ago – after Milo had to be put down. I’m sure it would have helped him!

    Something that can help with nausea is called Slippery Elm Bark. Slippery Elm Bark article talks about the uses of it. Again, that is something that helped Milo.


    I’m SO sorry.. poor sweet baby. Hugs to both of you. Wishing him all the best!


    I couldnt bring him home 🙁 He’s looking very unwell. I got to spend some time with him today. I held him, and it just didnt feel like there was any life left in him, he was limp as a ragdoll. But dr Peck repeated the blood tests today. Some of it they send away to have analysed at a lab, but the basic white blood cell counts and something to do with overall blood volume (??) tests they did at the office, and apparently his numbers are better than they were on Sunday. The other test results will come in sometime tomorrow. So I just have to wait now.


    Poor Shakespear. I’m so sorry Skyron, I’m keeping you and your baby in my prayers. (((Skyron and Shakespear)))


    {{{{Skyron and Shakespear}}}} I hope you can bring him home soon, even if it’s only for kitty hospice. Being parted from each other can’t be doing either of you any good.

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    {{{Shakespeare & Sky}}} he is a handsome fella, my crew just sent a friend’s request also….

    FF50, thank you for that info on the B12, I didn’t realize that either and wonder if it would have helped both Max and Kinker when they were getting subQ from the doctor. I will keep note of it now, again thank you. One question do you know if it works the same for dogs?


    I’m so sorry Sky. I hope he’ll be able to come home soon and spend his last days with you {{hugs}}


    I’m sorry to hear about Shakespear. Here’s hoping that they can get him stabilised so that you can bring him home with you soon.


    He’s home 🙂 It looks like he has lost some weight, and his hair is falling out – so lots of brushing in store for tonight. As soon as he got out of the carrier, he ate some food, drank water for ages, and then he went to the litterbox. After that he just plopped down on his couch and went to sleep, like nothing ever happened . . . *sigh*


    aww sweet little guy. I can hear him breathing a sigh of relief when he plopped down on his couch, “good to be home with mom”, before falling asleep.


    This is wonderful news that he is home!! I use a b vitamin in my CRF boy and he is on lysine which aids his immune system. I sure hope that he continues to improve and now that he is home with you Sky he will have all the love and support that he needs!


    I’m keeping the two of you in my prayers {{{Sky and Shakespear}}}


    (((Gentle hugs for Shakespear)))


    I’m glad that you were able to bring Shakespear home. Do they have you giving him fluids? I hope he’s able to stick around with you a while longer.


    They said to bring him in if he gets dehydrated again. I’ve seen them do subq fluids before, i’ sure i could figure it out. The boy is still konked out on the couch, sleeping like a log. I’ll be going to the health store tomorrow to get the lysine and vit b and phosphate binders (??). Each challenge brings an opportunity to learn something new . . .

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