Rescued Kitten recovering

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    I just rescued this beautiful black and white 5-8 wk old kitten off the side of the road. We were driving to dinner and saw her stumbling in circles about a foot from heavy traffic. My friend pulled the car over for me and we snatched her. At first it was weird because she was so unresponsive, but on closer investigation we found that her eyes were sealed shut. It seemed that no one was around for her, mom cat or human, she was severely flea bitten and underweight.It is a miracle we saved her, I thought we were going to see her get squished!!

    Needless to say, we did not go to dinner. Instead on a late friday we drove around looking for a vet but couldnt find one open. Eventually I decided to find an ER for her, and we took her in. She was slightly dehydrated and underweight as well as suffering from a severe upper respiratory infection and cunjunctivitis. We have her on flea medicine (prescribed by vet) and eye cream as well as antibiotics.

    She seems to be doing better, its Monday now and she eats well, poops and pees, seems energetic and playful but her eyes look horribly gray and cloudy. I worry that her vision might be damaged by the illness she had for however long she was outside. I also worry that dehydration might hurt her eventually and even though shes eating her gums are pale pink, but very pale. What can i do for her other than water? Pedialyte? Ive been giving her sugar water (low sugar) to help and that seems to be ok but i want faster results if i can get them.

    Any advice about her or questions is appreciated thanks!!!

    Her name is Teacup


    How wonderful that you were able to come to her rescue! Have heard good things about Pedialyte. Keep us posred about Teacup-cute name!


    Thanks ill try that 🙂


    Concats, happy for the positive update on Teacup!


    Why are you worried about dehydration if she’s been to the vet and is now eating well, and especially since she was only slightly dehydrated when the vet saw her? I would think the pale pink gums would be more due to the flea bites (anaemia) and the malnutrition. What kind of food do you have her on? I would recommend a good quality wet food plus some weekly raw liver to get rid of the anaemia. I wouldn’t give her sugar water for no reason, it will only rot her teeth and cats have no sweet taste buds so she won’t even be tasting it. If you feel she needs a supplement, then look for Nutrical at the pet store, it is a high-calorie, vitamin etc food for sick and malnourished cats and kittens, and if she doesn’t like the taste, you can mix a little into her wet food. I would also give her a little plain pro-biotic yoghurt to offset the tummy upset that the antibiotics might cause.

    Try the tent test to see if she actually is dehydrated — Tent test: pick up a good pinch of kitten’s skin at the neck and let go.If it snaps back immediately, she’s hydrated okay. If it takes a little time to go back down, or, worse, it stays up in a ‘tent’ shape, she needs fluids, such as pedialyte. Are her gums dry and sticky? Are her eyes sunken? If not, then I doubt she needs pedialyte. You have done a wonderful thing in rescuing Teacup. Please let us know how she gets on.


    Tent test went well,

    im more worried that the anemia will hurt her, or being underweight. i am taking her back in a few days to get her looked at again but until then i want to do everything i can to help. The sugar water was recommended to me because of her low weight… her bones are so pointy!!! It is supposed to supplement her weight until it is normal, but i too don’t like sugar for her and have been researching pedialyte instead to keep adding weight… I am going to the store soon to buy some since it looks like a good alternative.

    I have her on science diet, i am following vet recommendations pretty strictly and that’s what they gave me…. If she could be on anything better let me know! science diet makes wet and dry but she likes the smell of the wet food a lot i think.


    JCAT- what else would u recommend for adding weight besides plain water and wet food? I have been told before that supplementing the water (pedialyte, sugar, diluted cat milk, etc…), i have tried the cat milk and sugar water but i dont really like giving her either. Even the cat milk made me nervous lol i know cats should not ever have actual milk/cream.


    She sounds a lot like my Theresa when I got her. You can get a paste called nutri-cal, it’s full of vitamins and minerals. Resa didn’t like it though so I ended up syringing her’s into her mouth daily. you should be able to get it from a pet store or off amazon. As far as her eyes go, they hopefully will heal. Resa’s were grey for several weeks but gradually cleared. You can see her progress here over several weeks if you want something to compare to:

    Resa does still seem to have some eye issues but gets around just fine. Blind cats do pretty well over all, even if they have no sight. Cats adapt very well actually, as long as you keep their environment the same (not moving furniture, that sort of thing) So don’t worry too much about the little one. You can test her eyes in a few weeks with a flashlight and see if the pupils respond, that’s how the vet could tell Resa’s eyes were getting better.

    The only other thing to worry about is maybe stunted growth from the early malnutrition, Resa is a giant 7 lbs lol but she doesn’t care, she chases after my 11 and 15 lbers and when he’s here my dad’s 18 lb kitty too! Otherwise I’m sure your little bit will be fine just like Theresa was 🙂


    Yes, as Kit says, the Nutrical is the best way to go. Pedialyte will not help her put on any weight, it’s just water with electrolytes added. The yoghurt will help her put on a little, as well as helping her tummy (maybe a teaspoon a day or a little more). And, as I suggested, to help with the anaemia, a meal of raw chopped liver a couple of times a week will help a lot. (Mine loves chicken livers.) You could also look into feeding more raw food, I give mine a meal of wet food a day and a meal of raw food and they love it. Goats milk (canned, from the baking aisle at Walmart) is a great treat for a weaned cat as well as for bottle-feeding kittens, it is rich but, unlike cows’ milk, cats don’t have a problem digesting it (although don’t go mad on it, it’s so rich it can sometimes cause diarrhoea). More treats: if you happen to be roasting a chicken, you can give her some small (boneless) pieces of the meat (make sure there are no cooked bones in it or anywhere near it, you don’t want her to choke) and I have been known to give cats grated cheese, some won’t touch it but some love cheese as an occasional treat.


    Thank you so much for the advice, and i checked out the pics! Unfortunately teacup’s eyes are much worse. I guess ill have to post some pics and see what the vet says next week… I hope everything clears up for her 🙁 I know she can see, her head follows my fast moving fingers if i wiggle them but its clear she has little depth perception. She continually bumps her head on the wall gently (cant see how far away it is) when she walks too fast, and she grabs for toys that are nowhere near her, but rather a foot away. Also, she has a hard time figuring out where the food bowl really is… Its hard to describe, but kinda cute too 😛 I think the fact that she can see a little is encouraging. Thanks for the best wishes!!!


    wow thanks jcat, thats great i wont waste my money on the pedialyte. ive been looking up about raw diet and i think that would be awesome!! nutrical is something i will look for soon, and the cheese sounds good too.


    i actually just played with her, after giving her another dose of meds, and shes got so much more spirit than before. she hops and plays wonderfully! Im excited that shes gonna be ok :)thanks everyone


    Get her a bell ball, she’ll love that and she’ll be able to follow the sound.


    thats a perfect idea, kit thx!


    Teacup is such a cute name! Thanks for saving her life! My cat is blind- hence my avataar, and he gets around great- hopefully Teacup’s vision will heal but even if it does not she will have a great life. The bell ball idea above was great and also the crinkly mylar balls are a big hit, plus just about any toy according to my cat Magoo. The only fail is the laser pointer! 🙂


    Feeding her often is good. She doesn’t need to eat a lot each time; she just needs to eat as often as she wants. Don’t be too stressed about her eyesight. If she regains it, fine. If she doesn’t, she’ll never know the difference. With a loving home she’ll adapt to no sight or partial sight. There are many Facebook and regular book stories about cats who are blind. It’s a challenge for their humans, but their lives can be as full as any other cat’s with just a little bit of adjustment.


    awesome…. now im just worried about getting her anemia taken care of. shes doing insanely better, like on a scale of 1-10 at first she was a 2, now she is a 7-8. room to go but BETTER!!!! Shes putting on weight and plumping up. I bought her many things at the store, including a loud ball she can play with as well as “real” kitten duds, weve been improvising until tonight with shoe boxes, towels, etc.


    all advice is so appreciated 🙂 and thank you cheetah boy’s mommy, she does eat very frequently but just not much. Im glad this all her behavior is healthy and normal. ive owned several cats in my time but none as sick as this little girl.

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