Night Shift 9/18

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  • #59921

    Lynn that’s a wonderful description of Chester/Jerry. He was always so optimistic offering hope to others without saying much about what he was going through.When he did,he didn’t want sympathy,he just wanted to inform us of why he had been absent. He even inquired about someone else’s problems just a day before he died. I only knew him through this site for a short time but his passing really rocked me. He had a wonderful,generous spirit.


    I miss him


    My friends, I’m heading to bed. No sleep at all last night and the hot bath and two Caronas are doing their job. I want to stay up and chat, but my body is saying to go to bed. Let’s continue with the idea of a memorial for Ben.

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    Bumblebee, Sorry the visit is only for a few hours, but knowing you, you will get 12 hours in in that time! I heat by oil, however at the parks mercy. Tanks are underground so we have to pay their price, no matter what. Have propane for cooking, (Stove) and hot water heater. Everything else, electric. Don’t like being hostage by the park, but have no choice. Sorry you cost was so high. My propane is runnin $2.89 right now, but have a budget and that is much better for me. Have a good lunch! Love Lynn


    Yes,let’s help Ben’s family. That would be really nice,I can’t think of anyone more worthy.


    I love what you all did for Jerry/Chester. You are truly the most kind hearted group I have ever encountered.


    I think the art of letter writing is fading with the convenience of e-mail and phones. It’s too bad. I have some old letters written by relatives many years ago. They had such fine handwriting and their lives just come to life reading their descriptions of everyday life. I have a diary kept by my great-grandmother in 1929. She was very excited to receive a radio from my grandmother as a gift and to see moving pictures in the local theater!


    Sleep well, Catwoman. Sweet dreams!


    KW, that is the reason I keep a journal. I think of the person a few generations down that I will never meet who could read it and get to know me. I would love to have a diary from my great-grandmother, who came to the US from Germany at the age of 12 through Ellis Island.

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    Catwoman, I agree!!! Lets talk about this further in the group at a later date. Think we should hook up the TDK fund and see what may be able to be done. This old lady needs to get something to eat and go the he** to bed. Wasn’t gonna be a late night,(Kay came around the corner, Know what time it is!!) Said yeah, still here!

    Ok talk tomorrow, all have a good day. For those who need jobs, I wish you the best of luck on your interviews. For those who need new cars, wish you the best! If the co-workers get on your nerves, Kick a**! Do what you have to do to keep employment, but don’t be a doormat! For all the rest of my kids, have a good night and talk tomorrow. See ya then. Night shift supervisor, Out!

    Sweet dreams all, til tomorrow, Hugs purrs and much love from the house, Lynn and Kay


    I really want to keep chatting but if I go on, I will awaken in the morning with my face stuck to the keyboard with drool. Goodnight everyone! One of my kitties is blocking my view of the screen and purring loudly that it is time for bed. :-p


    My grandmother kept diaries her whole life. She was born in 1896. I’ve read them all. I am very grateful to her for doing that. She was an interesting woman. There are several years missing from when she was a teen. I recall being told that she and her sister would read the diaries from those years and giggle. Would love to find them, but I suspect she destroyed them. 😉


    Good night to all……KW out!


    I keep playing catch-up here.

    Lynn, you and KW gave such wonderful descriptions of Jerry. Thank you for those.

    Catwoman, I think your idea for Ben and Christine sounds nice too. You might want to do a new thread and get some response from the day people.

    And have a restful sleep tonight.

    It’s 9:30 here, and I still have 3 hrs to go.


    Hi everyone,

    Just popped in and saw your suggestion to do something for Ben, Christine’s husband. Perhaps she, being a vet, has a particular place that she is fond of that we could set up a memorial for Ben, like we did for Jerry. I’m on the TDK committee and I’d be happy to make the suggestion to them. We were just looking for another person or place to help or donate to.

    Also, a suggestion that was made by Jo from Blairsville, was to buy some of the Kittenwars books and give to people who are shut-ins, or in rehab like KittyPaw. Some of us suggested giving one to Jerry’s mom, too.

    We’re accepting all ideas. Terri posted a new topic today asking if anyone had any people or places that might need help. She offered her e-mail address in case someone on line might be too shy or embarrassed to ask for help in our chat forum.


    Have a good night everyone.

    Time to finish my work.



    How special to have that diary from your grandmother. Wow. Yes, I love seeing handwriting. So much character.

    I had a darling friend, Ann, who lived in Ohio and we were very close. She was the most wonderful person I have ever known, ever. She was too precious to be here on this miserable earth. We wrote letters and even did cassette tapes to each other. I still have all the tapes. Our daughters were born alittle over two months apart. I miss her so much. She had a husband and 4 children. I call her mom and dad occasionally. I cherish her letters.

    Ann used to tell me I cared about her and her kids more than her friends that lived close. I remember her daughter first wearing “underpants” and telling me on the tape. How darling…. I think I sent her some pretty undies in the mail a few days later. I loved them all so much. Ann died of breast cancer, after suffering a long time and trying any new things to get rid of it. Bless her.


    M&M’s mom – they all sound like good ideas.

    My money has been so tight these last few months, that I haven’t even been able to get a copy of KM’s new book for myself.

    This will soon be alleviated, however, and things are going to get better in the new future.


    Awwwww, bumblebee, how sad. I’m sure you cherish those memories.



    I’m sorry things have been so tight. I have that problem too. Had to scrape up all the rest of my money to get that kerosene before the price rose anymore! Eeekks. I have some left, but get paid Friday, so I’m fine.

    I agree, that they all sound like good ideas! It is a true fact, there are no people better on earth than the TDK’s. TDK is sure special! A big blessing to many!!!

    Talk to ya tomorrow…. tired….

    Sleep well all….

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