I need kitten help!!!

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    hello my name is shannon, and a few days ago we found a kitten who we think is about 4-5 weeks old, last week we was bottle feeding her and now shes eatting pretty good with kitten food with some warm water to make it soft, my question is I havent seen any poop laying around i’ve rubbed her belly and her bottom with a warm rag but still no signs of any turds so is she too little for her to poop turds or is it like urine right now??? someone PLEASE help me.. thanks


    Try a small amount of mineral oil in her food.

    You can also google “orphan kitten care”..Get her to a vet as soon as you can.

    There are many folks here who will have great advice.. The weekends are slow so keep checking in.


    Here are a few sites that I got last week when I found My kitten. They gave them to me on here and it has helped me! Mine isnt quite as old as your so maybe you can help me in a few weeks!! This is my first kitten. I found him ina boat that we bought! He didnt even have his eyes open when I found him But he is still going strong!






    Hi, Shannon, this is a subject (kitten poop) that comes up a lot on TDK. I added a couple of tags to your thread (top right hand corner, in pink) and if you click on these, you can read other threads on kittens that aren’t pooping yet.

    nawlins catmom

    Do you have a litter pan for her yet? If so, after she eats, get your warm wet rag and gently imitate the mamacats licks on her bottom for a bit and then put her in the litter pan. Usually that is anuf to get them “going”. The kit looks like a visit to the vet is in order to deal with possible worms, and general health issues… Is the kitten active, and sleeping well? Starting to play?

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