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    i’ve have had my kitten for 3 weeks & she’s 9 weeks old & the problem i’m having with her is that she want stop meowing. it’s constant the only time she stops is when she sleeps. she even meows when she’s eating. please tell me what can i do to stop her from meowing so much! if she lays close to us she stops but if we say something the she starts up again! please help!


    She’s scared after being away from her littermates. If she doesn’t have one give her a stuffed toy, large enough to cuddle but small enough to carry around. (this seems to be the standard advice here.) She should stop once she feels safe and comfortable. It might also help to keep her stuff in a smaller room so the large space is not so overwhelming. There are several other active topics on the board right now, you might could find even more suggestions there 🙂 Hope this helps.


    thanks, i’ll give that a try! heck anything is worth trying for the 1st time! all i can do i pray it works! once again thanks for the help!

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    She may also just be a talkative kitty, like some people who need to talk all the time.


    As the meowmy of a very very talkative kitty, I have to say its not uncommon for them to cry alot. As she gets used to her new home and trusts that her new peoples arent going to disappear she should relax. It could be that she never becomes an overly quiet kitty but it wont be nonstop anymore.

    Kit had some great suggestions for making the change easier on her,she was on the young side when you brought her home. Just give her some extra loves, and watch your step as she follows you around the house. (I didnt do that one and broke my foot 2 days after Hurley came home 😛 )


    she does follow me everywhere i go & everyone has tripped over her a few times! i want to tell everyone thanks for their help because my husband & myself have been at our wits end with the meowing & it was starting to drive us crazy.


    She is training you to watch your step. Hehe she will not be the one that learns to stay away from feet, it will be you walking different to not step on her.


    so what can i do to get her to stop meowing so much? my husband has bad nerves & she’s gotten on his last nerve & wanting to get rid of her!


    she’s so tiny she looks like she’s 3 weeks old but she’s 9 weeks old!

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    Just think of it as training for little children, some are quiet, some are noisy/talkative all the time.


    yea i know lol thnx!


    Yup, agree with getting your kitty a toy. Mine latched on to a fishie (which has since disappeared) and an old throw pillow…that throw pillow didn’t stand a chance! I did find a some stuffed whale toy at Dollar Tree and gave it to him and he is now suckling and kneading on it.

    Your kitty may just be very talkative as everyone has said. They want reassurance and ATTENTION.

    Don’t worry, your kitty will train you like the rest of us have been 😉

    KYKAT 12 23

    If your kitten has any siamese in her, she will be a talkative cat her whole life!!!!! I have been owned by many siamese (and other oriental beeds) and they want to talk your ear off. Have you been talking back to her? If not you should. She may be like a kid who goes “mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, until their mother finally answers. My Thierry Henry is a Balinese and starting at 9:00 every night, I get the kitty version of “Is it dinner time yet? No? How about now? Now? Now? Nonstop for an hour until it really is dinner time.

    Since she is still so tiny, have you tried carrying her around for a while to see if she stops? She may be craving physical contact. The stuffed toy might help with that. We got our Gracie when she was pretty tiny and I bottle fed her some (and held her lots). Bottle wasn’t for the nutrition, but to increase her sense of security and belonging.

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