French Breakfast Café 12th August

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    Sorry to those who were kept waiting. It’s that damned maid again. I told her to set it all up while I was out learning my lines.

    OK – There is lots of coffee (no tea they don’t do it well in France!)

    Croissants, Pains au chocolat, all sorts of other patisseries (definitely pains au raisins), Pain frais, pain grillé, confiture, miel, nutella, fromage, jambon, fruit, fromage blanc (nature et vanille) de petits pots de compote de fruits ….. Servez-vous mes amis.

    LadyKat of IA

    Good morning, PM! I love French croissants and a fruit cup. Busy day at work, so I’ll take mine to go. (Maids just aren’t what they used to be.)


    Kitty slides through the wormhole with a freshly baked croissant (and some nice jam to go with it) and a fruit cup for LK.


    Pain au raisin please. I don’t like coffee, can I bring my own teabag????


    @ Daves Mum. Yes, no problem. I can actually supply teabags, too – it’s just the French tend to make it with not quite boiling water, and the water is not good for tea either. Tea just never tastes right when I’m here. The pains au raisin however are superb!


    What a delicious spread!! May everyone have something good and joyful happen in their day today!


    Pain au chocolat heading towards SM, with a tuxie ready to fetch anything else needed.


    What a morning :-/ Picked Theresa up from the vet. She is fine, but she pooped the crate on the way home and stepped in it and I had to stop at a gas station and beg for wet paper towels to clean it up. I’m thinking of going to bed and starting the day over. On a side note her spa day didn’t phase the little minx one bit lol


    Have a nice cup of coffee and a couple of croissants Kit. Then start over, chilled and filled!


    I’d take hot green tea with honey and lemon, I’ve never grown up and drank coffee lol but a couple of croissants would be good. I’m sure things will go better now that she’s home. First off I can actually get some rest when I take a nap lol I didn’t rest will without my little Resa at home last night.


    Thank you PM! Not much on chocolate in this house–I know it is strange! I would say a fresh croissant is possible one of the tastiest treats ever!! To have on in France is pretty amazing!! I didn’t spend much time in France. I did in Belguim though. The food is amazing. I love trying and learning about new foods!


    Green tea with lemon we have! It’s one of my daughter’s favourites, and plain croissants or croissants aux amandes are always available at the French breakfast café. Two little French persians are on their way.


    Merci PM for creating a beautiful TDK French Cafe. I would like a pain au raisin, petit pot de fruit et cafe noir! Smoochies to little Tux sporting a beret w/waves bonjour to all still enjoying their stay in the cafe!


    Ça y est JK. On arrive tout de suite avec le petit déjeuner désiré!


    PS French kitties “miaule” and “ronronne!”


    Hi Kitts!

    Ooh, la, la!!!

    Kit, oh poor Theresa on her “accident”.

    I’ll have a chocolate croissant and some very hot green tea, please 🙂

    Hope everyone has a great day!


    Le cafe est tres magnifique toujour! Je voudrais un pain au chocolat avec un cafe s’il vous plait 🙂


    Il arrive, GD. Le chaton qui le t’apporte s’appelle Minouche.


    Got to go out for a bit now, so I’ll leave the café in the very capable paws of Minouche, Minette, Ronronne and Doucette.


    Bonjour! I’m not quite at the TGIF part of the day; still at ONIF (oh no it’s Friday). Fridays are expected to be rough for me for a while, but I will prevail and it will be TGIF before I know it!

    Loving the French cafe today and the adorable French kitties!

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