First TIme Kitten Owner

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    Hi, next week there’s an almost definite chance that my parents, younger brother and I (I’m in high school) will be adopting two Siamese kittens. They live about 7 hours away, there’s 4 to choose from but we have an idea of the two we’re choosing, a boy and a girl. They’ll be 8 weeks old when we get them, and I am SO nervous! I’m really looking forward to it, but since my dad has allergies (he used to live with Siamese and we’re all fairly confident it’ll be ok, but it’s still the reason we might not be able to keep them) I have to be the main foster parent, at 15. I’ve wanted a cat since I was 6, and I’m so looking forward to owning them. We decided on two so they won’t be lonely during the day, and they’ll be in my room for the first few weeks of adjusting. I’ve done so much research online, but since I have anxiety I’ve been having many a sleepless night thinking about how I might do something wrong, or forget to put something away that could seriously hurt them (ex. my laptop charger). I just really need some assistance, and as many details as possible. I can describe my room if needed. Thank you!



    I’m glad you want to get kittens but I am reluctant to support your choices because your father is allergic to cats. Some people can be around Siamese cats. However, if all doesn’t go well, you will have to surrender them. It’s not fair to you, your family and the wee kittahs.

    Please think on your decisions.



    My father was the one that asked me if we wanted to get the ones that we’re going to get. I’m sorry that I didn’t say that haha. I know that the allergies could be an issue but my dad doesn’t think it’ll happen, because he lived with multiple Siamese cats for almost twenty years, we’ve already had friends who have shown interest in adopting the two kittens if it doesn’t work out. So don’t worry about that, I don’t have questions about allergies, but I really need help with how to prepare my room and how to be the main caregiver, since my dad has expressed that he wishes I be the one mainly responsible for them, because he can still get sniffles but nothing horrible. Any tips other than allergy stuff would be appreciated, thank you! Since I’m still a minor I couldn’t decide for my family, I only expressed my wishes and my parents made the actual decision.




    Welcome to TDK land. Here’s some links we use ourselves:

    4 wk old kitten will no longer bottle feed and hasn't started eating wet food

    Chaos’ Guide to Constipation

    keep in touch and let us know how you’re doing.


    Thank you very much, I will be sure to update you when we get them!


    Elora, click the pink tag on kitten-proofing and also google it on ebay. It is hard for us to think what might be in your room that could be a worry but what I suggest is that you get down to kitten level and try to think ‘kitten’ i.e. lie on the floor and look around and up at everything and think, now, what could I chew, climb? squish myself into? get stuck into? fall into? knock over on myself? pull down on myself? climb and knock over (eg a pile of books or boxes), eat and choke on? eat and get poisoned by (eg household plants), get burned on? eat and get my innards blocked up by? etc etc. Things like string, wool, rubber bands, hair scrunchies are all things I could eat and they would not do me any good at all. If I can climb into something and get stuck or shut in there, I will. The BIG things are recliner chairs (check they’re not under before you recline, trying not to fall over them coming up or down the stairs, and NEVER leaving washer or dryer doors open as there is nothing a kitten likes better than to climb onto a pile of washed or unwashed laundry and to fall asleep — meanwhile someone shuts the door and turns the machine on. ALWAYS always check before you turn on a dryer or washer that your kitten is not in there — even if the door is closed, someone might have walked by and closed it after kitten has gone in there. Also high places — kittens love climbing but they can easily break a limb if they fall from any height so be ready to catch them and/or bring them down. Best of luck! Remember, if they can find a way to do something risky, they will — like kids!


    Thank you! I have a mess of wires for all my different chargers, but i think bunching them all together with something and sticking it to the wall, then spraying it with Bitter Apple should do the trick. I have a tallish bookshelf but it’s almost like really steep steps, with the bottom having the widest shelves etc. My curtains go all the way down to the bottom but I don’t know how to fix that, maybe stuffing them into the rung? I can probably get my younger brother to see if there’s anything dangerous underneath places that’s harder for me to reach. All in all I want my kittens to be as comfortable as possible, and I have good spots planned for the litter box and other essentials.


    As soon as she is big enough, get her a collar with a bell. That way you can have a general idea where she’s at in the house. You might get her a neon collar.


    I like that idea, but I’ll probably have to remove the bell at night, my dad’s a light sleeper. Is it best to both microchip and have a break away collar with identification? I don’t really know the cost of microchipping, it hasn’t really come up.


    Microchipping is a necessity, even if they are indoor cats only, they might get out or be let out accidentally and it gives you much more chance of being reunited. Another idea with the electric cords is to bundle them up together and feed them through a piece of plastic piping.


    Oh I like that idea! I can probably find things in the baby aisle at Walmart haha.

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