Favorite pie


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    We’re gonna have to set up a TDK Fairgrounds so we can share all the summer yummies in fresh air.


    Has to be Juneberry pie. The best flavor in the world. Rhubarb close second.


    Paulajeanne, what’s a Juneberry, and why don’t the other 11 months have berries named after them?


    Juneberry trees grow all over the plains. The Native Americans called June the “month of the berries” because they tasted so good. Pioneers called them pie berries, or service berries. In Canada, they are called Saskatoon berries. They have a really short season, and sadly, some winters are too harsh, as they blossom sometimes before the winter is over, and so no berries! Sob! You would use them like blueberries or huckleberries, I guess. But their taste is so much better!


    I think I saw a tree catalog that offered Saskatoon berries.


    Yes, and I envy the people who buy them. I worked taking calls at one time for a gardening catalog, and I lost track of the number of people I talked into buying the Saskatoons, because I raved to them about the pies! Sure hope they weren’t disappointed. They also make great jellies and jams and crumbles, and Juneberry syrup on ice cream is to die for. Can you tell I haven’t had any for a looooog time?


    Has to be the incredible home baked chocolate cream pie with obviously home made crust that simply melted in my mouth and with a baked meringue topping that beaded drops of honey I had one time as a child. Oh how I’d love to have that recipe but make a bet it was one of those the elderly lady simply made without a real recipe, just a lifetime of experience.


    Bet anything it was made with lard, Marnet! That makes the bestest crust. And those little golden drops! I loved it when the meringue had them. Yet on food network a while ago, that was said to be a problem with meringue and they were suggesting a way to prevent them! Good grief!

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