Doga, the new yoga for dogs and people

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  • #26675

    Something tells me that some dog owners have definite psychiatric problems (Cat owners never have these problems). Elizabeth


    Hahahahaha..The look on that dog’s mug is priceless!!! I’m a dog lover but this is strange and the look on this dogs face says he thinks so too. =)


    i like dogs too…but i have to say…that’s not only strange, it IS going a little too far. frankly, yoga has been nothing but a very long running trend for ages here in the west, especially in north america…and it already IS trivilazed to the point of making you want to barf. not to say that i don’t *like* yoga…it IS a good thing, if taken the right way, and not too seriously by crackpots who think they’re all spiritually aligned or whatever the he double toothpicks they call it…enlightened, and these oddballs who pretend to be from eastern religions when you know they’ve just had a few too much of some illegal drugs. stay away from anyone who does kundalini yoga and pretends to be really religous. esepcially if they have the names singh, kaur or khalsa. they are fake and are teaching some fake stuff. there’s one yoga guy you can find on youtube who is cool. his name is swami baba ramdev. i admit i spend more time watching HIM do his thing, than actually going thru the motions of the yoga itself, but whatever. the whole spirtual talk thing makes me want to pitch up too. i love it when those kinds come and try to talk spritual to me, and i just reply back with common sense, and they’re lost in their own world. these people make fools of themself, and they make mockeries of time honoured practices. anyway…..that turned into a vent i think! lol…

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