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  • #40454

    Hi all

    I have another question lol. Can you give catnip to a kitten? Also do they eat it?


    Yes. It’s perfectly safe for them to have catnip, but they may not show intrest in it untill they are over 6months old.

    But my kitty dosn’t like it much.


    Ok thanks for the advice Katherine. The photo of your kitty looks so cute.

    Momma Bear

    my boys are littermate brothers (5 1/2 months) one reacts to it but not as much as I’ve seen some cats react ( i think he will react more when hes a little older) and the other one doesn’t show a bit of interest


    since Catarina and Melinda are the tag team of destruction, I have not introduced it yet. they are 5 and a half months old.

    this morning, I got up and saw a lamp hanging from its cord so it hadn’t reached the floor and broken. i put it back on its table and it was fine. i’m sure it wasn’t like that (hanging) when I went to bed…

    i dread to think what catnip might do to them…

    I also don’t put ping pong balls in the bathtub…


    Lol Cheri.


    Hi Chug! I always figured that kittens were nuts all on their own and don’t need catnip, but it is not harmful to them. Currently, my baby boy Comet is loving a few new catnip toys that were a gift for my 2 1/2 year-old Leela – but she wants to play with them too! Let the fun begin…

    Lol- Cheri!


    There is another less potent treat you can give your kits. It is catmint. Grows easily in your garden,spreads like mint, attracts butterflies with its pretty purple flowers and kits luv the flowers & leaves fresh or dried! May attract neightborhood outdoor kits to your yard too!


    Thanks Momma Bear, Cheri 12/22, JoanfromNewJersey,jeankit for your input.

    Momma – Well I did try it on Smudge and it didn’t have that much effect on him either he rolled over a little bit but thats all. Will have to wait until his older I might try it on the other cats that keep coming to visit me lol

    Cheri – That is funny and I though Smudge was made lol his calm compared to yours lol. As for the ping pong balls Smudge goes mad for his its so funny. I have loads of other balls for him but his not interested in them. And if his lost green ball well his so moody lol.

    JoanfromNewJersey – Yes I agree all kittens are nuts but very cute.

    jeankit – I certainly don’t need catmint to attract other cats to my garden and they all seem to appear anyway. My neighbour over the road has twin cats and they never adventure over to my drive before but the one day they followed the owner and now they keep coming back. I have 3 or 4 come over.


    It’s fine for them. 🙂

    My little Gia loves rolling in it, but she hates eating it. It’s so funny after they are done rolling in it/eating it, they will jump off the walls. 🙂

    I don’t give it to her often because she’s crazy hyper on her own.


    Hi Zoe :o) The above link is for a UK based organisation whose profits go directly to animal shelters. The stock a range of cat nip toys, and the best I’ve found are the Yeowww Texan organic cat nip ones (especially the triangles!) – ours go mad for them, and they last quite well too.


    Velvet would take a catnip toy and suck and drool on it until it was a disgusting mess. She and Spice would eat catnip off the floor and each others backs. One time I gave them so much, they couldn’t walk straight and were like little drunks.

    Thanks for the memories…


    Thanks for the message Eleanor that was funny. I have given Smudge a nickname now called spidercat because he climbs up our walls to the ceiling and then climbs back down again lol and thats without the catnip.

    MCW – Thanks again for your tips I will have a look at that website.

    Cheri – Lol your cats seem like very funny characters.

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