8 day old kitten

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  • #46044
    farm mom

    We are fostering a kitten whose mom and siblings were killed by a dog. My question is how often should these little ones be pooping? He is being fed goat milk from our goats every 2 hours. We tried every 3 but he cant make it that long. He is a little on the small side as I think he was the runt. He poops almost every other feeding and it is yellow and formed like toothpaste. He urinates fine. He purrs and sleeps a lot and seems happy. Thanks in advance for any help.


    Hi! Bless you for taking on this bottle baby! You’re doing exactly right with frequent feedings and goat milk should be ok. Pooping will be very soft, because the baby isn’t getting anything solid. Sounds like the wee one is on an appropriate poop schedule too. As long as there is good input and output, this is a positive sign.

    I’ve added some tags for you, these might lead you to more help with your questions. There are other kitty mommies better versed in raising bottle babies who will probably respond as the day goes on.

    Welcome to the fluffiest site on the internet, and we love to see pictures of kitties, especially bottle babies 🙂

    farm mom

    We have raised a lot of animals on bottles, but this is a first for us. We have to laugh cause we thought we were done getting up to bottle feed and change at night. lol We have a lot of bottle babies on our farm and I make the rounds. This little one has been hanging out with our resident rabbit flash. We were worried as that is all this one has done is eat and poop a lot. Thanks for the reassurance.


    Then you know about keeping the kitten warm and such with a soft blankie in a box, soft toy to imitate mom/siblings, etc. Good! (big happy smile)

    Hang tight, more will speak up….I posted on Facebook that you’re looking for help here. 🙂 A number of Daily Kitten folks are on Facebook too. Are you in the US? We have members from all over the world who post here.

    farm mom

    We are located in New Mexico. He stays warm during the day with our rabbit or great pyrnees when he is not hanging out with me in a fanny pack, and at night he sleeps with me curled up at my neck. One of our resident animals is always willing to help keep this little one warm, even one of our chickens has taken that duty a couple times. Since we have a educational farm, everyone that comes over is totally amazed at the way our animals interact with each other. Thanks again and have a great day.


    Sounds like things are right on schedule to me. We had 7 kittens 2 years ago from the time they were 2 weeks old. They had gone without food for 2 or 3 days so we had trouble getting that first poo but once they got that going the biggest problem was burping. Ours kept getting air in their belly so we just laid them on our chest and gently rubbed their chest until they burped. As for goats milk I am clueless…cows milk will make him very ill but goats I would think would be fine. Thank you for taking care of this precious little life. Many hugs and head scritches for you and your brood…

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