Monday 29-09-2014 – TDK Café Honours Confucius Day

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum TDK Cafe Monday 29-09-2014 – TDK Café Honours Confucius Day

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    Good morning! Funny there is a cat with glasses in the photos today. Last night I was holding Leo in one arm and my reading glasses in the other hand and decided I must hold the glasses up to Leo’s face. I didn’t get to see how he looked but the boys said he was cute. :). Hope everyone’s Monday is kind to them.


    Morning KJ and EC! …… *signs* …. I guess my morning will be hijacked with a ‘squirrel relocation’ project! (Good thing I’m caught up) …. it seems Mr. AV and Abby (Abby was first alert) heard ‘scratching’ in the corner of the kitchen, coming from the ceiling this morning …. yesterday, our handyman was working on the house, fixing the soffit and fascia, and closing up holes ….. seems a stealth visitor got closed up in the attic! …. of course, Mr. AV has to go out of town for a few days, so it’s now up for me to deal with 🙁

    …. I’ve called my handyman and he’s coming over later to get the squirrel trap, and I’ve got to get some peanut butter ….. I hope it’s just one (not a whole family) , and I hope we’re successful, Scottie will re-home the little guy ….. it would really be a bummer if our ‘guest’ didn’t survive, cause the smell is horrendous! Yikes!, I’d better be rolling …. check you all later!

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    Morning to everyone 🙂

    AV, hope that the squirrel relocation goes well and is successful.

    Had a nice weekend, went to a dear friend’s retirement party and then spent the night their house so it was quite enjoyable.


    Lol Leo wearing glasses.. I bet he was cute ECB you should get a pic next time 🙂

    Hey KJ 🙂 how’s that hayfever?

    Oh no AV the poor squirrel ! I hope handyman can catch him and he’s ok.. At least he’ll get some peanut butter out of his ordeal..

    Hey Deb 🙂 glad to hear you had a good weekend 🙂

    I’m having a major lazy day today! I just don’t have the will to do anything for some reason..

    I also had an amazing dream yesterday!! I fell asleep on the couch yesterday afternoon( not something I tend to do)
    And I knew I was kinda half dreaming I knew I was awake I guess I was half asleep .. And Buttons was with me curled up on my shoulder as I lay there he was asleep to and I was kissing his cheeks and little pink nose for a few minutes and then I woke up and Noodle was in the exact same position in my shoulder curled in the same way I think it was Buttons “borrowing” Noodle again 🙂 it’s so nice to feel I can still touch Buttons when he comes to visit 🙂

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew
    Participant Salute to Lucca Military Dog

    How heartbreaking, too bad he doesn’t get along with cats ? Hope that someone can give him a good loving home and can show him that it’s ok and he will be safe.
    Damn, people suck a lot of times when it comes to animals, children and the elderly but really in this case
    May she rest in peace and hope that the new guardian and Sherlock find a peace together.
    Sick jerk whoever thru this poor dog from the vehicle.
    Scary that the hikers even knew that it was possibly going to erupt ?

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    Buttons, that is very nice that Noodle allows the visitations 🙂

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    *peeks* in the cafe ….. hi Deb and Buttons!
    Deb, glad you enjoyed your friends’ retirement party, nice to enjoy good friends!
    Buttons, that’s so sweet, Buttons ‘borrowing’ Noodle …. I firmly believe our babies in the bridge communicate with us in many ways …. sometimes it’s a memory, sometimes you feel their presence …. I like to think of them sending their love through our babies here with us …..
    …. ok, back on the squirrel relocation…. handyman just arrived …wish us luck!


    LOL, fun theme/quotes=pics today KJ, thanks for making MOanday into fun day!
    Adding my 2 cents:
    confucius says
    Li’l more serious!
    Hey, seriously, need java now – thanks Tux.
    Had a peek at Star-kits from wknd = COA alerts for sure!
    Paw up waving to all to have great day…busy here, will be back to check in in a bit, later!


    Good Morning…
    I actually just got up. Was just SO tired and worn out. Walked past the kitchen window to get cat food and saw a gorgeous big butterfly fly/or moth and land on the weeds. Tried looking it up, but not sure what it was. What timing… I have either never seen this kind or at least not for a very long time. What a nice treat first thing in the morning. 🙂
    Achy all over again, especially my back. 🙁 Too much work maybe….. it’s been very busy lately.
    Buttons, LOVE hearing how you had a lovely visit with dear Buttons…. Awwww…..
    Deb, so nice you were able to attend the retirement party and stay over.
    AV with your squirrel issues! Boy, he didn’t waste any time eyeing up that hole and sneaking in, did he! Little bugger!
    Hi JK, ECB, and KJ! *Waving!!!! YAY! The sun is shining… there are lots of clouds too though.


    Morning all! Afternoon Buttons!
    Still feel somewhat cruddy, still not 100% certain if cold or allergies but no fever so it’s heigh-ho off to gym I go! If cold 7 days/1 week no matter what I do.
    Like that saying JK, would like to integrate it into my way of thinking.
    Sounds like fun AV – not – re squirrel – we have so many of them around n’hood storing up for winter, they probably also don’t know what to make of weather, yesterday hot and peeps running around half-nekked, today def not and peeps have coats on!
    I’m hoping that my Mr. Fix-It can come and check out shower head as dripping, not horribly but don’t want to let it go in case it gets worse. L8R!


    Those stories get at me Deb! Can’t and will never understand some peeps – beyond cruel! I will not go into what should be done to anumal abusers, the responses to stories say it all and more! But good in a sad way that Sherlock’s mom was able to pass after entrusting pup to guardian.


    Now waving to Av, Buttons/cool dream, Joan, Deb, Ecb, BB with anyone lurking/come on in – free purrs!
    Hey KJ – feel better purrs!
    Must share from FB today:
    LOL – here’s the video 😉

    It’s national coffee day – that calls for another cup! 😀


    … well, the trap is set, and Abby is on ‘squirrel watch’ …. why does my house smell like peanutbutter? LOL
    … We always to try to trap and relocate, we’re such animal lovers, we can’t stand to think of anything harmed, even if they are pesky … ya’ll probably remember Mr. AV’s squirrel re-homing adventure a couple of years back, when we tried to grow tomatoes and other fruits …. we just couldn’t keep them away …. he re-homes 12 squirrels, 1 possum, and caught a neighbor’s cat ….. we finally gave up, now we buy tomatoes in the grocery …


    Hi everyone – Love the pics!
    ECB, that is too cute with Leo “wearing” your glasses!
    Hope the squirrel re-location goes according to plan, AV. Squirrel was happily eating Mac’s breakfast while Mac sat on his (his??) chair a foot away.
    Hey Buttons, I’m so glad Buttons borrows Noodle to visit you. Jiggs did that once and borrowed Shaddo to comfort me after a procedure.
    Glad you had a nice visit with friends Deb. Nice to get away and have a good weekend once in a while.
    Hey there, JK – those weekend kittens were cuties, oh heck, they all are!
    Hi BB – how cool to spot such a pretty butterfly! It was sunny earlier but mostly cloudy now here.
    Hope some gym times helps you feel better, KJ.
    Tummy is doing flip-flops – not a fun feeling. Hoping/wishing/praying things will ease soon.
    Leela has started taking toys out of their spot lately. Yesterday she had her 3 favorites lined up looking sort of like a parade – bff Larry, Piggy and Angry Bird. So cute!


    Aww Miss Leela is so precious!! 🙂

    Joan I’m still sending those positive vibes your way! You deserve to have an easy life ! I hate that things are so stressful for you lately !


    How about some lunchtime exercise with LOL:

    Hey ((Joan)) hand in there…scritches for fun luvin’ diva Miss Leela!
    Maybe she was holding roll call for her best buds! 😉

    Sneaking out to the patio for a few as some lunchtime RR…c’mon Tux, to the lounge chair! 🙂


    Good morning all, loving the tongue in cheek captions on the pics.
    EC, I bet Leo looked really cute in your glasses.
    AV, I hope by now the trapping has been successful. Of course Mr AV had to be out of town when this happened, Murphy’s Law insists on it happening that way.
    Deb, it’s so great when a weekend is enjoyed with friends instead of just passing doing the usual stuff.
    Buttons I love the way Buttons borrows Mr Noodle, he chose Noodle for you for just that reason I believe. 😉
    PS, I fell asleep on the sofa yesterday afternoon too but didn’t realise it until I was woken by the phone ringing, just Mr MS calling to say hi. He LOL when I fessed up that he woke me. The change in Daylight Saving had me trying to make up for that lost hour.
    BB, sorry about your being achy all over, glad the butterfly distracted you for a while.
    KJ, hope you are back to 100% soon.
    Awwwwwww Leela, that’s so cute that you lined up your toys.
    JK, crazy cat chasing rooster. 😆 Very well done make up tutorial theme.
    It’s a slightly grey day here but with a promise of sun gracing us with it’s presence by noon. HRH is out looking for today’s ‘best spot in the grass to curl up in’. She was a snugglebunny in the night and slipped into bed to snuggle up close for a while. Mr MS said when he got up she was sitting across the room flicking him the stink-eye so he guessed that he must have disturbed her when he flung back the covers. She got over it and cuddled into my back after that.


    Hey MS!! Looks like Mr MS is enjoying waking you all up 🙂 lol

    Clocks haven’t changed here yet.. We don’t call it day light savings .. I’ll be honest I’m not sure why they use that exact phrase either.. Over here we just say the “clocks going forward” or “the clocks going back” 😆

    Hope HRH isn’t disturbed again MS 🙂 or Mr MS might find a mouses head under the bed sheet as revenge 😆

    Wondering will I dream I Buttons again tonight.. I don’t think I will but I can’t wait for whenever he decides to visit again 🙂 I think when you have such a soul connection like I have with Buttons he can’t be that far away.. <3

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