Kitten Alarm Clock Breakfast Cafe April 17 2012

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    DO check out the thread KITTY ALARM CLOCK for today’s theme! Thank you for posting that link.

    We have all kinds of foods for you today! The kittens have decorated the tables with forget-me-nots and tulips and have been VERY GOOD not to bat at the dangly blooms 🙂

    Chef kittehs are readying the waffle and omelet bars, and fresh fruit is being wheeled in, followed by the Juice bar and chocolate fountain.

    Cool cats begin to play easy jazz in the corner and the hostesskit swishes her elegant tail in time.

    Come on in! It’s Nice and Easy this morning after your Kitten Alarm Clock start!


    Morning Sio, if you’re still around. I have to admit, that alarm clock would drive me nuts, which I guess is kitty’s point (“hey, get up! time to feed me!”).

    We went out for a really nice dinner last night using a Groupon; we were saying before we got there that we’d probably never go back because it’s kind of far out of our neighborhood, but by the end of dinner we’d changed our minds, definitely worth a subway ride.

    I had a busy but productive day yesterday in spite of the heat, hoping to take it easier today. It’s still hot, but less so.


    Hi Sio & Kilroy! This looks like the cafe for me today!


    Fun Cafe theme today, thanks Sio…almost missed it! Goodmorning Joan, smooch LeeMet for me! Hi Kilroy…enjoy your Sunday on a Toosday…give Georgie boy a scritch from me too! Me, need a very large cuppa joe with some cinny raisin toast to go…bizzy for now, hope to be back in a bit. Now a smooch for Tux, later kits!


    Hi everyone! (waves furiously) I had those same kind of doorstops when I was a kid, but my quats never figured out how to make noise with ’em. Ours were attached to the wall, not the door.


    Hee hee…now I know what you are referring too! If anyone has questions go to Kitten alarm clock thread courtesy of Commune…for more furry fun on a Toosday!


    Handsome Orangie as Reggie on Main Page…Star-kit Alert!


    Reggie is adorable (OK, I’m biased, he looks so much like George 🙂 ) and I love his name, both the full name & his nickname. *smooches for Reginald*


    My duo is so clueless, I think because they don’t know about breakfast except for when they were babies and I fed them more often. As long as there are crunchies in the bowl when they get up, all is right with the world. Leela always sleeps until we get up, and Comet followed suit.

    Shaddo and Jiggs were brutal, waking us not just for food, but to be let out or in. Hunters that they were, they didn’t wait till daylight!


    Hi Joan & Kilroy…waves eastward ho! I too like Reggie…my mom’s name was Regina and nick was Reggie or Reg…oh happy memories from an orangie boy w/similar name! Hee hee, those hunter-kits! Lucky used to want to go out at 5AM when first moved in…oyy, glad it was Winter and a fast change of mind on his part!

    Mmm I need another cuppa joe! Sippin’ Gingerbread…yum…wish it was the actual cake tho w/dollup of whip cream as garni! Anyway, back to more AM fun!


    Just had a treatment–still pretty numb, but am walking so all is well. Grabbing some lunch and then Andi is putting me in bed for a short nap. Funny I remember putting her down for a nap–isn’t supposed to be the other way around! I am a little sore though so a nap will be good!


    Catch some well deserved zzz’s during your nap time Soxs!

    It is fast approaching Happy Hour the around here in TDK Land! But whatever hour here is something to make you smile while enjoying some CHEESE on Cheese Ball Day!


    JK today is the first day in 4 months that I have walked unaided–it is a miracle!! I have been so thankful that treatment is going well!!


    Afternoon ladies, how is everyone, other than the obvious?


    Yay, PTL…better days ahead for you my dear!

    Passes tasty cool one thru worm hole to you to celebrate Soxs!

    Hi Debster…how’s the zoo crew doing today?!


    Hi, All!

    SM, so glad that the treatments are helping. But I think that a nap is the perfect thing for you to do!


    Yay, SM, that must make you feel good! Continued good wishes to you.

    Hi Debsterwiz! *waiving across the Delaware*


    Hey it’s Happy Hour & the Cafe is picking up! Fave Bevies and noms are available just ask your fave server kit! Meowrrrr…transl: What’s your pleasure today?


    I just saw the video on the cat alarm clock. That is hysterical!


    Hi Joan *waiving back at Joan*

    The Zoo Crew are just Purrrfect, as always! Thanks for asking!

    SM, I’m so glad that you have finally found some relief!!

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