
Location: Cape Town South Africa


I adopted a six month old cat from a shelter and was assured that she was sterilised and healthy. After three months with us, Khloe gave birth on the couch while we sat and watched tv. Nobody knew she was pregnant. She gave birth to two beautiful ginger male kittens. They immediately became the joy of my existence. I did everything humanly possible to provide the best for them and make sure they were well-fed and safe. On Christmas day i decided to take my mommy for a drive and put the mom cat and kittens in the yard. Sadly, they got out and my dearest Cody was killed by a speeding car. My life is not the same without him. He was the apple of my eye and the most loving cat i have ever encountered. He would wake me up at 7:50Am every day and fall asleep behind my knees. He also carried a ball around in his m outh and would bring it to me to throw and he would catch it. He was only five months old when he passed away. My heart is shattered. He was a small glimpse of heaven to me and I cherish every minute i spent with him. To me, he was the most beautiful kitten in the world.

Author: Tom “The Kittenmaster” Cooper

Tom is the owner of 4 amazing cats, and using the Daily Kitten he provides a place for cat and kitten lovers to share the love for their own cats and kittens.