Revolution/Stronghold question

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    Oh, and by the way, the first few times I received the Revolution from this place, it was shipped from Canada where they’re based. The last two times, though, it was shipped from New Zealand!!!



    GD…… Call your vet. They may be familiar with the Stronghold, and know of any adverse reactions from said product. When you receive the Stronghold, compare its ingredients to a box of Revolution.


    GD if you are in anyway doubting the product, do not accept the package or return it. If the company is balking then there is something fishy. Maybe they have new owners. You can also dispute the charge with your credit card company.

    Use what ever product you feel is best for Bob & Milo. Those guys are family not science experiments. (Yes. I feel strongly about it.)


    GD: I too would need reassurance from a vet they are indeed the same product. Generic medicines should be cheaper but as reliable and efficient as the original but I have heard conflicting stories.


    I agree, Miu. However if this IS a generic, thoy should have informed me and also I wouldn’t expect to pay the same price for it.

    I’m thinking I’ll return the Stronghold when I get it and then buy Revolution directly from my vet even if it’s a bit more expensive than getting it online.


    I’ve seen commercials on TV advertising mail-order pet medicine companies. The commercials say that the meds are less expensive, save you a trip to the vet, etc. The reason that comes before any other why I will not order my pets’ medicines from them, though, is this. On the day when the medication I need is a euthanasia shot, my vet will be there with me and the mail-order company won’t.

    Participant sells Revolution and at a much better price. They are an Aussie run shop thru ebay.


    That’s true.

    I’m also thinking if for some reason either of my guys should ever have a reaction to Revolution, at least the vet would have a record of what I used on them, and it wouldn’t be something I got in the mail from Canada/New Zealand or who knows where.


    Soxsmam, you’re right, that is about $10 less for three than what I pay at PetDrugs. I’m starting to feel as if I should just go through the vet, though.

    Question – if I go ask for Revolution from the vet, does he need Bobby to come in, or will they just sell it to me since Bobby is his patient?


    I was buying mine through the vet and Dr. K just said come in and get it when you need it. I then started using 1800petmeds. It is a company out of Florida and run by vets and they have a pethealth101 with pharmacy and vet support to customers. Betty White is one of the largest animal rights protectors and she sponsors this service. I know my neighbor uses deadfleaz and has had no complaints. I have always used heartguard and frontline. Have wondered about Revolution because it covers both concerns. Haven’t switched because what I use now works.


    I am super leery about ordering drugs online, for either regular people or furry people. There’s just so much bad stuff out there and you don’t know what you’re getting. If the country of origin is more interested in money than health you end up with poison in the pet food, Coumadin that doesn’t work, etc.

    Drs. Foster and Smith usually have good prices on meds. And I also found a website that has coupons. I didn’t look at the coupons so I don’t know if it’s a worthwhile site, but it won’t hurt to look.


    Don’t forget to check where your vet orders their medication from.


    Well, I know about poisoned cat food, CBM, since poor Bobby got really sick last year after eating the melamine-contaminated cat food.

    I was ordering through PetDrugs because I didn’t need a prescription for that so it was just easier. I was looking around the office for something just before, and actually came across a receipt from an order of a 3 pack of Revolution I had gotten from them (I get all my mail at the office). So, they definitely lied when they wrote that a three pack of revolution doesn’t exist!


    Revolution DOES come in a 3-pack–my vet has it. I had been ordering Revolution since I got it for Patches 4 years ago from the vet because they said it was the only kind safe enough for such a small kitten–(6 weeks old)–none of my cats ever has a problem with it. But now Canada refused to sell it to me without a prescription. They usually ship from Australia.

    Renee in Arkansas

    I read an article awhile back about getting flea meds from out of the country. It gave me the impression that even if it lists the same ingredients that may not be exactly what they put in there or the same dose or they may not have the same standards as in the U.S. Also, I think animals were getting sick. I get Frontline from my vet for $16 a tube. I forget what a 3 pack costs.


    That’s what I was worried about, Renee! I’m going to walk over to the vet today and ask them them to sell me some. I will return the Stronghold when I receive it.


    I’d return it and demand your money back GD. As for it having been shipped from Canada and another time from New Zealand, it could be that someone is importing poor quality fakes from somewhere and then selling them onwards. Don’t use it.


    I’m going to send it back for a refund, MS. I’m going to go ask the vet people about getting some Revolution from them.


    File a dispute with your credit card company immediately, refuse delivery of the product at the door without opening the box and file a complaint with the company stating unauthorized substitution of product is unacceptable and you will not accept any charges including shipping and handling on this order. Assuming Stronghold is a generic of Revolution, there should have been a considerable discount. Yes the “inactive” ingredients in a generic pharmaceutical are often quite different. These ingredients can affect the absorption and efficacy of the active ingredients.


    Both Revolution and Stronghold are the same products, Pfizer’s Revolution is packaged under the name Stronghold when sold in Europe.

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