Weaning next step


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    I had a small break through with weaning. But it’s not good I think.

    Calliope will not lick formula or kitten food off my finger no matter how hard nary she is. She has shown zero interest in slurry her bowl. No interest outside her bottle.

    I was playing with her while eating my lunch and she started showing unusual interest in my fingers. I tore off a tiny part of what I was eating. She went crazy! What was I eating? A Cheddar cheese stick.

    I experimented a bit more. (Yogurt) Ranch dressing…yes. Nonfat Greek yogurt… yes. She licks and chews but also sucks on my finger. But these things are not good for kitten bellies. She’s chewing enough on the bottle that I’m sure she’s ready for weaning but this is the first thing she’s show any interest in.

    I am pretty sure my next step would be baby food. But if that doesn’t work… Then what do I do? I know lactose free yogurt is available, would that be ok? I may be going back to work soon, and I would like her to be n solid food before then.


    The meat baby food–chicken, turkey, beef are great for starting out with your kitten. Also the yogurt is okay too but I’m not sure how much is good since I haven’t fed that to my cats on a regular schedule, although the probiotics would be great for them. I started my kitten out on the Sheba perfect portions because it’s a very fine pate style with some juice and the portions were just the right size for him and I didn’t have to refrigerate leftovers. She WILL eventually figure it out, and it”s frustrating I know but hang in there….just when you are ready to throw in the towel, your little angel will surprise you and start eating!

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