Tuesday 31/10/2017 – Be afraid … be very afraid … it’s Halloween!

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum TDK Cafe Tuesday 31/10/2017 – Be afraid … be very afraid … it’s Halloween!

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    Bats, the Bizarre, Dracula, Ghosts, Witches, Graveyards, Ghouls, Haunted Houses, Halloween Movies, Paranormal, Skeletons, Scarecrows, Vampires… the Café has it all! Plus a feast of all things pumpkin, bevvies, pies, muffins. And loot bags for all!


    Livia and I will be turning in early so she doesn’t yell to be let out…

    I don’t like Halloween, but its origins are in ancient natural beliefs about the seasons: it is about the half-way point in autumn (in the Northern hemisphere), between fruitful autumn and bare trees and the spectre of hunger. May Day is a similar mid-point in boreal springtime.

    I’m going to a little neighbourhood party tomorrow (the 1st) but it has nothing to do with Halloween.

    Squash are very nutritious and one of the Three Sisters (along with beans and maize/corn) that were a mainstay of the diet of many Indigenous peoples in North and Central America). I’ll bake some squash, but not the big carving pumpkins that I find too stringy and unpleasant.


    Pumpkin pie sounds so good…I may just have to make one..or two. Mr. KZ and I call it ‘hand pie’, because it’s not messy and you can pick it up with one hand and eat it while your other hand has a bevvy–usually fresh coffee!

    I love squash Lagatta, we just had spaghetti squash with chicken and spinach sauteed together with other ingredients over it. I love acorn squash too. It must be getting close to lunch time because everything is starting to sound good. 😆

    MS, I love hearing how you are preparing your garden and flower beds while mine are getting ready for a few months rest. Mr. KZ seeded rye into mine then tills it up in the spring. I’m not fond of it but he thinks it does something so whatever. I’d rather have some cow poop on it now and then tilled in…come spring it would be ready to grow big plants! 😮


    Once I used some granulated chicken droppings (somewhat deodorized) on my tiny city vegetable patch. I think there might have been chicken feathers in the mix as Renzo went mad trying to dig the stuff up.

    I have an acorn squash and a red kuri, which is also known as a potimarron in French (meaning a potiron, one of the French names for that type of squash, the other one being citrouille, with a chestnut (marron) taste. They look like small pumpkins, but not as “rigged”. I try to get small ones for one to four servings.

    It had turned a bit cool here, but it is fairly sunny and pleasant. Yesterday there were VERY high winds. I think I’d have taken off like the little boy in E.T. if I’d tried to cycle in that! Even walking was challenging.


    Paw up still time for Trick ‘r’Treat AM Waves!
    trick or tuna LOL LOL
    scary can opener storyLOL
    noir feline witch
    Bootiful Feline Witch 🙂
    OK, need warmer on my java…later/hopeful!


    Hi I’m here but sooooo scared – oooohhh! More later


    Happy Halloween! The café looks fun and scary!

    Baby Tyler wore a tiger costume today. My heart promptly melted!

    JK, that last pic you posted is of the three things I like most about Halloween, a witch hat, a cat and a jack-o-lantern, thank you!


    Actually it’s getting way windy out here again and just came in from litter run, even with heavy cart I was getting blowin’ around and I was afraid – very afraid!!!!

    Day went well thank G-d.

    Lots of peeps in costume. My masquerade comes as Purim in spring so I have time to decide if I do costume thing at gym.


    Yes, I was thinking that Purim was the closest Jewish equivalent, though Halloween was actually a pre-monotheistic festival, not a Christian one, though of course All Souls and All Saints were Chistianized versions of much older beliefs.

    The Mexican Days of the Dead were syncretic between Indigenous beliefs and those imposed by the Church… the earlier ones seem to dominate. I like their idea of the souls of the dead as generally friendly spirits of ancestors and friends and family lost too soon.

    Above all I hate the superstitions about cats and witches incorporated by various inquisitions into Halloween.


    Hi all, hope your halloween went well if you were celebrating it.
    Good grief ! The sun is shining brightly but it has suddenly begun to rain large drops of rain. ❓ 😯 just as well I didn’t put the flea drops on HRH a short time ago. I did manage to pop a worm tablet down her throat while she was still half asleep from her mid morning nap. She wasn’t impressed. 😈
    KZ, we had a lawn man in earlier and I was getting him to weedeat/weedwhack around the tyres I grow my zucchini in. I noticed that they each had 3 or 4 skinks sunbathing in them. They moved further under the sidewall area so were safe. My Mum grows mustard greens or lupins in her vegetable garden over winter and has them dig in before they set seeds. The add plenty of nitrogen to the soil.
    I cut my first cauliflower this morning, was meant to be ready in the Winter but just didn’t grow enough before the cold set in.
    JK, I love the broken can opener pic.


    Livia does look very fetching among the squash in the kitchen.

    Chilly here and I’m out of coffee. Going out to pick some up – I’m wearinng a burgundy angora knit béret for the first time – I bought it a couple of months ago on a hot day, along with a red-pepper cotton one (which I’ll wear later today).

    First cauliflower is so nice in the springtime – how will you be serving it?


    Oops…left over forgot to share yesterday for it was busy as end of month on Halloween:
    cat halloween outside decor
    Spotted on Tues. li’l walk…n’hood Halloween Cats!

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