Thursday 07-05-2015 – It's National Nurses Day!

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    How true, KJ – Larry was very close to her the whole time, hidden well.
    Thanks for the NZ bird link, MS.
    Lazy dinner tonight – pasta (from a packet) mixed with cooked peas and carrots.
    Leela had her treats all by herself, which probably makes her feel happy and special. Then I went downstairs to check on Comet – he had diarrhea today and last night. He seems okay, not hiding, and followed me upstairs, as did Mac. After a little while he sang a few notes and went downstairs – perhaps warming up for a 4am concert.
    Everyone got some Hills ID for dinner. It’s bland, but has lots of water in it and is good for upset tummies.


    MS, I’m having a blast with this bird link! So many birds of similar names but different looks and sounds. Saved it to my favorites – not sure if Mac will like that or not, the sounds are making him crazy!


    Joan, my favourite around the garden are the tui, fantail(piwakawaka), wax-eye(tauhou) and the kingfisher, blackbird,thrush and especially the riroriro or gray warbler and the kaireka or skylark. At night it’s the ruru(morepork).
    Also check out the kokako sing, it’s stunning when you hear it in the bush and the bellbird too.
    I love to play these when Shadz is inside and watch her reactions looking for the ‘bird’.
    Poor Comet and his grumpy tummy, hope he feels better soon.

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