Suki is dry heaving again… :-

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    Should I be worried?? On Saturday morning, I woke up to find that she vomitted in 2 spots. The vomit just looked like fur and undigested food. Then I heard her dry heave on Saturday night and then tonight. I watched her do it tonight and she looked like she was going to vomit but nothing came out. And once she was done, she went back to normal and walked off.

    I read that this might be fur that still needs to come up. Could this be serious?


    Fred has done this from time to time SJ..I usually don’t worry if he is acting his normal self. If you have any concerns, I would call the vet and ask them. I did that today with a question and they were more than helpful.


    If it’s furballs hairball kibble should help her. Is she wormed? If this continues as bad it is definitely time to call a vet.


    I read online that it could be hairballs and if i put vasoline on her paw, she will lick it up…?? Is that safe? She was dewormed as a kitten. She is 3 1/2 yrs old now.

    After she dry heaved tonight, I gave her a really good brushing and got a good bit of fur off her.


    It is time to deworm her again. Vaseline is not a great help, psyllium or bran would be better.


    how would i know if she has worms? Is that through a fecal test? She just had one.


    SJ: If the fecal test was clean then worms shouldn’t be the problem. It is normal that cats vomit occasionally but it shouldn’t happen this often. Has she eaten your plants?


    What are the symptoms that my cat or kitten has worms?


    Loss of appetite


    The cat’s coat is in poor condition


    The cat has a pot belly appearance – especially in kittens


    The cat or kitten suffers weight loss


    Stunted growth of a kitten


    Diarrhea (sometimes bloody diarrhea)


    Vomiting or vomiting up a worm.


    Anemia – The cat or kitten has pale gums


    Worm segments around the anal area. These segments look like small grains of rice or sesame seeds.


    Continual licking of the anal area


    Well, she vomitted once..and then dry heaved twice after that. All together it has been 3 days. She continues to eat/drink and act normal. She is not lethargic at all.


    They are definitely good signs.

    Maybe I worry too much. I deworm my kits 1-2 times every year and they are strictly indoor kitties who eat mainly canned food and kibble.


    I worry too much too… :o) My kitties are strictly indoors too and any sudden change in behavior and I’m on it like white on rice :o) I will keep my eye on her and see if this continues. If so, I will take her to the vet.


    If that dry heaving continues go see the vet:

    Cat Dry Heaving

    5) Question: My 14-yr male Burmese has a constant problem of “retching”. Hunches down and has

    symptoms of dry heaving. Periodically, he will throw up but nothing comes out. I have tried Nutri-cal, Petromalt and Laxatone. Also, have checked for worms but is negative. Other than this, he is very healthy. He does this at least 3 times a day. Thank you. MC., Oshkosh, WI.

    ANSWER: Your cat definitely needs to see your veterinarian. Vomiting or “retching” is not normal and can signify many things such as chronic hairball problems, obstruction of the digestive tract (partial or full), parasites such as heartworms, roundworms, giardia, viral or bacterial infections of the trachea, throat or lungs, thyroid disease, and even cancer. Your vet will want to take xrays of the throat and chest (possibly the abdomen) and will run some blood work to check for other diseases such as heartworm infection and feline hyperthyroidism. Good luck and don’t delay! Get your cat in today!

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