So sad and stressed….ECB kitties not doing well with pet sitter

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    We left for FL this morning and the kitties (except Eko) are hiding from the pet sitter and barely eating. I’m really surprised Lucy is hiding and so worried about all of them. They have never had their humans disappear like this and I feel just awful. I HAD to make this trip though. I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep tonight…can’t wait to get home to them.


    ECB, they will come out and eat when the cat sitter is not there or asleep if she is staying in your house. I realise you can’t help worrying but they won’t starve themselves. You may have a bit of making up to do with them when you get home but there’s nothing like big cuddles for you all. Bring them a treat home. Do not feel awful, you’ve done all you need to for them while you are away.


    I so agree with MS! Be at peace so that you can enjoy your trip and then when you return you can be good servants to the cats and they will make you work hard to get in their good graces, but the playing and cuddling with worth it!


    Thanks, MS and SM. Their meals are raw so they can’t be left out too long, but we do have kibble in the house for snacking. It sounded like she had a little luck with the kibble at noon snack time so I asked if she would offer them a little snack again before she left tonight. She sounds like she is doing a good job….singing and talking to try and get them used to her. She lives nearby and said she will spend plenty of time at our house tomorrow and is sure it will go better.


    ECB, they may not like their beloved hoomins being away but MS is right, they will survive, they are cats and they know which side their bread is buttered, believe me. You said it, you HAD to make this trip and you have done everything needed to make sure they are safe and taken care of during your absence. Just bring some great cat pressies home with you!

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    ECB, honestly we (hoomins as we are) are feeling more guilt at leaving our furry ones, and they are excellent at playing that card too. I too felt guilty leaving the crew, especially since Haje had to have his meds. My friend said they all came out except for Red and the one time he did he raced past her like his tail was on fire! They all survived though, and like both MS and Jcat said they will survive 🙂


    Purry thoughts w/paws crossed kits will relax and develop appetite and routine for eating while you are on your trip.


    (((ECB))) They will adjust, or if they don’t at least they will forgive you. Try not to stress too much.


    Got a better report tonight. She still hasn’t seen Emily but slid her plate under the bed and half of it disappeared. And more of their dinner got eaten tonight. She thinks Leo let her pet him, but I think she gets Leo and Lucy confused so It could have been Lucy. Sounds like things are getting a little better. 🙂


    Good to hear that they are relaxing a bit–that will help you have a bit of peace!


    I am glad they have relaxed a bit – and sure they will relax more and be just fine. Enjoy the rest of your stay!


    They will get use to her and stop being so skittish. Ours have learned to love the cat-sitter (a neighbour) and come running when she visits. Even when we are home they think Patti is going to fed them and spoil them and give them too many treats. It just takes a little bit of time for them to get use to someone else feeding them.


    ECB, that is such great news. They will adapt in their own way.

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