Monday 18-11-13 – "TDK" Cats with a Past Café

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum TDK Cafe Monday 18-11-13 – "TDK" Cats with a Past Café

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    2 Popoki

    One more piece of information about heart attacks. 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in just enough water to swallow it is another good thing to remember when you are having a heart attack. It saved my Dad’s life 8 years ago. It works as a vasodilator.
    Happy Monday everyone =^.^=


    Supposed to get freezing cold here too!!! But the kit (meezer?) looks adorable! TTFN JK

    Deb, if I adhered to all those water intake rules, I’d be spending most of my day in the “throne room” LOL.

    Catster Monday tips show how kits know it all:

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    How to Make Homemade, All-Natural Spicy Cider Decongestant and Expectorant.

    Cayenne pepper, honey, and ginger are all natural expectorants, meaning they help loosen phlegm or mucous from the lungs, making it easier to rid yourself of it, relieving pressure and making you more comfortable. Cayenne also works as a decongestant, thanks to the natural chemical capsaicin, which helps relieve swelling and inflammation that is narrowing nasal passages.


    I just have a minute but had to come here to ask for white light and prayers. Saw a 8-10 wk old long haired black kitten with green eyes in the SAMs parking lot this afternoon. Must be feral…very scared but let me talk to him while he was under a truck. Tried to get him to come out for about 10 minutes, then he got scared and went down a drain. Went back with food and crate and found him in some bushes but he was so scared he disappeared again and I couldn’t find him. I left some sardines for him and contacted the local humane society (they are great) to see if they have advise or could help trap him. We are going to have record low temps later this week. 🙁


    May the kit be blessed to find the food and to allow caring people to help bring him/her to where it’s warm and safe. May you be blessed for your caring and efforts to help.


    Ahhhh the poor kitten!! ECB sending white light his way hoping for a speedy rescue!

    Thanks for the water tips Deb my dad has suffered 2 heart attacks so I’m always looking for new helpful info.

    Thanks for the chilly shout out Jean 🙂 it’s ment to start getting pretty cold here over the next week or so not feeling it quite yet. We’ve been lucky really we’ve had a warm October and November so we can’t really complain if we have a bad December/January anyhooo I’m used to Wicklow weather these Cork rebels are sissy’s when it comes to a bit of frost :))


    Well Buttons, here it’s seriously cold and damp, alternating between rain and sleet, although the sound tapping at the windows in a “Wuthering Heights/Lorna Doone” sort of way makes being inside somewhat cosy and it’s conducive to sleep. At a relatively early hour for me. Must be past midnight where you are. I’ll wish all a good and restful night!


    Oh and you’ll never guess what Mr B got me for our anniversary 🙂

    You’ll never guess so I’ll tell ye ….. A cat onesy!! Ok spelt that wrong 🙂 it’s so funny it’s a tuxie black and white cat onesy with tail and cat head hood :)) lol!!

    Purrrfect pressie for me don’t you think


    Hey KJ .. Ya it’s just past midnight here can’t really sleep ..

    It’s kinda raining here too always love the sound of wind and rain outside when I’m tucked up in bed 🙂


    Buttons – please tell me before I head off to hot bath and dreamland. The onesy – it’s for kitty I presume??? Or a lounge outfit/PJ for yourself??? Whichever and why not? 🙂


    Lol no not for kitty.. It’s the latest trend in Ireland and Europe it’s basically and adult size baby grow 🙂 lol!!! Pj type outfit 🙂


    OK, Buttons…gotta see this: we want pictures!! 🙂

    *showing my literary deficiency*…Lorna Doone to me is a cookie!
    (hey café kit, could I get some ‘Lorna Doones’ and a glass of milk? Thanks!)


    ECB, I hope you can trap that wee kitty.
    Hi all, sorry about your cold weather.
    Buttons, what a great present Mr B bought you, what do the cats think of you in it? Onesies seem to be the rage here too, I have actually seen the odd(literally) person wearing them out in public. We definitely need a picture.


    Anyone else having problems posting, I write a post and submit but get a “no data” window. The site is also very slow.


    OK, Canada is not up to speed fashion-wise, it would seem. Onesy must be comfy/adorable. Peeps wearing them outside MS, like way odd I’d think. PC my unintentional “elitism” and all but useless Eng. Lit degree have come through for me yet again LOL. Lorna Doone is indeed a cookie, but for some reason (which I haven’t the energy to source out now) was named for a 17th century novel that takes place in Dartmoor, England, real dark, windy, gloomy. The cookie is much more enjoyable I’d say. *kitties are bringing you a plate of said cookies and milk this very instant, without a copy of the gloomy novel* :-).


    MS, I was having site problems too!!! Couldn’t load site for quite a bit. Figured that mischievous elves took over the controls. KM should leave them bread and milk (or the kitty crew should – I think that’s what one does to stay on elves’ good side LOL). Your post did come through 4 times, but I like hearing from you, so no worries – BTDT. 🙂


    I wrote a post on another thread and got kicked off. Comet thinks there are mice chewing the wiring, so he’s off thru the wormhole to get together with KM’s Fred to try to assist.


    Happened to me most of Sunday Joan.


    Oh no! mice & wiring do not mix!
    KJ, the Onesie is NOT meant for outdoor wearing but some people do like to push the boundaries of good taste.


    …. well, they might just as well wear their slide-on bedroom shoes to complete the ‘Onesy’ public outfit! LOL ….. I always have to shake my head when I see women out and about in the grocecry wearing those stupid slippers……

    …. how is everyone this fine evening? ….I’ll take a swipe at the Merlot fountain, trying to wind down from a busy Monday!

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