Kitten trouble

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    I need help! My kitten is about 6 months old. She was using the litter box just fine until recently. Now she’s taking a liking to using my shoes as a toilet. I know there are a few things I could adjust but I am afraid to do everything all at once and accomplish nothing. I got her a fancy wooden box litter box. I could go back to the old plastic one (though shes used the wooden one for a while). I could stop using the deodorizing powder in her litter. I could put another litter box in my room in place the shoes in the spot she’s going (though I really don’t want her box in my room). I could lock her out of my room and keep her confined to where the litter box is… HELP I don’t know what’s best. I know it’s silly but today I actually cried when she urinated on my favorite Uggs :'(


    Some reasons why a cat stops using its litter box:

    1. She could have a urinary tract infection (this is especially possible if she is just peeing outside the box but pooping in the box)

    – a vet can determine this

    2. The litter box isn’t cleaned often enough

    – clean at least daily

    3. The litter box is too ‘perfumed’ and hurts her nose

    – use unscented litter and unscented deodorizing powder (or baking soda)

    4. Litter box is in too public or loud a place

    – put it somewhere quiet and private

    5. She can still smell where she has peed and thinks it’s okay to pee there again

    – clean area with a good enzyme cleaner designed to clean urine scent

    6. There’s something new in her environment that has upset her (new pet, new noises)

    – if you can’t eliminate whatever it is, research ways to acclimate kitty to it

    7. There was an abrupt change in the type of litter she uses

    – it’s better to change to a new litter slowly by adding a little bit more to the old litter every day

    8. Her food and/or bed is too close to her litter box

    – move her bathroom further away from her dining area

    9. Her only litter box is too far away and, like a little kid, she forgets to head for the box.

    – put another box somewhere so she has two choices

    These are the most common reasons, but there could be other ones. Make sure there isn’t a medical reason for her mistakes, then check the rest of the possibilities. If you do end up putting a second litter box in your room, you can move it several inches a day until it ends up where you want it.

    It won’t hurt to put kitty and her litter box in a bathroom for a few days. Just make sure that her food/water and bed are as far away from the box as you can put them.


    Aww, there is also “cat attract” litter that may be helpful too! Also natural non-scented, kept clean litter is sometimes more popular too as CBM stated along w/many helpful hints.

    Oooo what a cutie harlequin little kit…my Dot was a harlequin/happy memories…give her a smooch from me!

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