Allergies to cats


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    Does anyone know of a medication that can help when someone only gets a reaction once in a while? He has tried all of name brands and nothing seems to help. He gets congestion in his chest. A slight runny nose and sneezing.

    Any info would be of great help.



    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    He can try a nasal spray taken as needed, they say that eating two containers of greek yoghurt helps, Allerga, Zyrtec, etc. or even use a Neti Pot to clean out his nasal passages and it should help.


    I’m allergic to all five of my cats and I love Greek yoghurt. How big should the containers be and how often do I eat them?

    Otherwise, the best thing I’ve found is one of those OTC decongestants that you have to buy from behind the counter; the ones that have whatever ingredient that was being used to make Speed so now you have to take the little card to the pharmacist and show your driver’s license.

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    CBM, I read it was just the normal size individual containers and it said on the days your allergies act up. The OTC ones like you mentioned work for me too.


    Some of those tart frozen yogurts are made from Greek style yogurt. (Pinkberry in the U.S.) I was hoping that I would have to just camp out at the frozen yogurt store on the days I had the sneezes.


    I got some saline nose drops from the dr – she said its good to rinse out the nasal passages with something that doesnt have any active ingredients, so you dont build up a tolerance to medication. Its been helping – i can almost breathe through my nose. Havent had that in over 10 years. If i wasnt so freaked out by the idea of a neti pot i might try it. I dont understand how you dont drown yourself with that thing.

    But i am curious though – how does greek yogurt help? I could fit that into my diet easily 🙂


    You know when people say they are allergic to cats that can mean alot of things. Some people are allergic to long haired cats and some to short hair cats. If you or someone only gets occasional reaction to cats, maybe its the dander from the coat of a particular cat so by monthly baths might fix it. Or if you have a long hair cat and you get reactions at your friends house who has a short hair cat you , just avoid short haired kitties. Or maybe they only get a reaction after a kitty has played well in the litter box and its the clay dust thats doing it. Allergies can be weird.

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    Skyron, the only thing I can think of with the yoghurt is the probiotics that it would have (just a guess), I had just read it but the short blurb didn’t go into it extensively.


    I use Pritieze – works every time!


    I developed a resistance to decongestants and found that daily use of the neti pot (I use it in the shower every morning) works great for me. I had sinus infections for years and, while not allergic to cats – thank heavens- am allergic to lots of stuff in the air several seasons of the year.

    Don’t let the idea of the neti pot freak you out, Skyron! You won’t drown, but it does take a few uses to get used to it.


    My husband is allergic to Remington and we have 2 air purifiers in the house with HIPA filters, we also use HIPA filters in the air return ducts, it really seems to help him… Good Luck!!

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