3 weeks old cat- any help???

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum Cats & Kittens 3 weeks old cat- any help???

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  • #840833
    Katherine Peabody

    Hi, guys, I found this new abandoned baby kitten on the street this morning – seems like only 2-3 weeks old. I spotted the kitten two days ago (alone) but I thought the mommy cat was only absent for that moment. It’s been two days and I just took the kitten into my house, and fed him some milk for kittens.

    But there’s blood in his stool (diarrhea, to be exact). It looks like the blood comes from the anal region, not intestinal blood. The anal region is red and puffy, so I just gently wiped it with warm wet towels. Is it normal for a baby kitten to have blood in his stool? I called my vet (I already have many many pets) just a minute ago and she said that 2-3 weeks-old babies are unpredictable and the symptom could be caused by all kinds of problems. She just said ‘give it some time and feed him well,’ But I’m so nervous right now – Does anyone of you have an experience of rescuing very very young kittens?

    Help me please 🙁


    Hi, Katherine, your vet is right. It’s very possibly worms and parasites (he almost certainly has them) but he’s too young to treat right now for them (unless by a vet), as OTC medications can be harmful when they’re this small, so try not to worry and keep on feeding him, like you’re doing. As long as he seems interested in his surroundings and alert and keeps on eating, there is not too much wrong with him. The pink ‘orphans’ tag has loads of useful threads and these are my favourite sites for raising young orphaned kittens — best of luck with him and come back if you have any more questions.


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