Baby Mittens

Please join me in meeting and greeting our newest Star Kit, Baby Mittens. He is a 1 year old DSH from Miami, Oklahoma.

Baby Mittens

Baby Mittens was at one time a stray cat that showed up one June morning by the employee entrance at my workplace. He was malnourished and hissed at anyone who tried to approach him. My coworkers tried to get me to take him home because they knew I’m a cat lover, but I refused at first. Later that afternoon, my boss texted me during his smoke break to inform me that this poor kitty kept hanging out underneath my car. I went outside and sure enough, there he was, frightened and starving. My boss couldn’t coax the kitty from under my car, but I was able to. I knew right then and there that he was meant for me. It’s as if he chose me. He’s been my best buddy since.

Baby Mittens

Baby Mittens answers to Baby or Mittens, but never to his full name. He loves sleeping on clean towels, playing with his favorite plush toy, and cuddling up next to my face at about 5 AM in the morning.

Baby Mittens

Author: Tom “The Kittenmaster” Cooper

Tom is the owner of 4 amazing cats, and using the Daily Kitten he provides a place for cat and kitten lovers to share the love for their own cats and kittens.