Polly and Callie

Greeting us a happy Monday we have the adorable duo of Polly and Callie. These sisters are 6 week old Calico Longhairs from Missouri.

Polly and Callie

My kittens are sisters from the same litter. Polly, the darker kitten, is the runt of her litter of three, and is slowly catching up to big sister Callie.

Polly and Callie

They are rambunctious and loving. Their names are short for polygon and calculus, their momma being a math teacher 🙂

Polly and Callie

Author: Tom “The Kittenmaster” Cooper

Tom is the owner of 4 amazing cats, and using the Daily Kitten he provides a place for cat and kitten lovers to share the love for their own cats and kittens.