Flea (aka Fee-Fee)

Location: Billings, Montana, USA

Flea (aka Fee-Fee)

My girlfriend and I brought Fee-Fee home from the pet store when she was eight weeks old. She soon developed a respiratory problem and one of her lungs collapsed. She stopped eating and the vet gave her little chance of surviving. I spent 8 years as a corpsman with the Marines, yet my military hardened heart, ached for this precious little kitten as she struggled for life. She began to respond to the treatments and started eating. Not long after, she was speeding around the house. I suffer from military related mental health problems and the medications offer some relief. But, nothing soothes my soul, as much as, Fee-Fee. Life would not be as bearable without her.

Author: Tom “The Kittenmaster” Cooper

Tom is the owner of 4 amazing cats, and using the Daily Kitten he provides a place for cat and kitten lovers to share the love for their own cats and kittens.