Wednesday 17-05-2016 – Pack Rat Day and What this Means to Kits

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum TDK Cafe Wednesday 17-05-2016 – Pack Rat Day and What this Means to Kits

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    Things may pile up. After all, each item one acquires along the road of life may have value or serve some meaningful purpose. The kits, however, have an entirely different take on this Special Day!




    Good morning!

    Oh my gosh….love the pics! A food is eating my food….lol!

    Joan, I love your description of how the cats are reacting to Aslan. Have you posted any pics of him yet?


    Good morning – these pics are so funny! I got a hamster for my 8th grade graduation, and a few weeks later, Casey had babies! Somewhere I have a photo of Miss Jinx, the family cat, lounging with Casey and her babies snuggling.
    Haven’t posted pics of Aslan. However I think I have enough good pics to submit him for TDK consideration.
    A warm spell has descended on Jersey. Getting out early for my walk is key!


    Eek! Gross

    I’ve always said Chihuahuas are just larger rats and now…evidence.


    Have a happy~


    PM Purry Furry Alert – Borrowed from Joan’s FB Page:
    Lil white kit pink jelly bean toes
    Guess who is today’s COA Purry/Furry: Li’l pink jelly bean toes too 🙂

    Shhh…don’t wake him…sneaks out of café…whispers – back on flip woot woot!


    My poor Eko. He does not like being shut in a room all day! He’s meowing his head off while they are installing the new cabinets. It’s for his own good though. Emily and Leo seem to know that a bedroom is the place to be with all this racket going on.


    It’s JJ’s Aslan with the pink jellybeans!!!!

    In keeping with today’s theme, under Dorry’s watchful eyes I did the “unpacking” from winter to summer as in reorganizing closets. Felt motivated as it’s suddenly become summery out, like tomorrow supposedly going up to 30C with humidity. Actually turned on A/C as being on top floor, well I love the heat, but when it rises well I appreciate the A/C.

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