Usually Quiet Kitten Won’t Stop Meowing

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    poor Ginger 🙂 She will need lots of extra love when she gets home.


    Heather, Ginger will be feeling much better in a couple of days. She may not feel great for a day or two, but that’s common with major surgery. The worst of it is usually just needing to sleep off the worst of the anesthesia.

    She may smell funny to Lexi when she gets back, so don’t be surprised if Lexi’s not happy to see her. She’ll smell like… well, like a visit to the vet’s office.

    Lots of quiet, and gentle attention will help Ginger recover quickly at home. Good luck!


    Remember the joke about the lady who called her vet to the house because “something was wrong” with her female cat? The vet checked the cat out and, sure enough, she was pregnant. The lady said “that’s impossible-she never goes out and she’s never been with other cats”. Just then, a big tom cat saunters across the room. The vet said “then what’s THAT?” The lady said, “don’t be silly, that’s her brother!!!”

    Just thought I’d add a little silliness!!!!


    MMM..that’s cute…glad we all know better…HH so glad you finally got Ginger into the you can get some much needed rest…

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    heather, glad that you got Ginger to the vet for her spa day….


    thanks!! I’m so excited about the prospect of sleeping through the night again!! It’s been WEEKS.

    Lexi will, I’m sure, be very ornery when baby gets home. Probably best, though. That way gingy has time to rest and relax without being bothered or played with.

    So, in line with MMM’s joke, when I got to the vet this morning, they asked if there was any way Ginger could be pregnant. I said no, and when they asked if I was sure, I mentioned that the only other cat in the house was a girl and if she WAS pregnant, we’d be having a pretty serious discussion with the leading biologists in the country very quickly! 🙂


    Good one, HH!


    LOL, Heather! Poor Gingy. Please take extra special care of your little kitty. Maybe some extra good treats. Welcome to TDK by the way.


    About kitties in heat and their brothers: my first female, Tiger Lily, went into heat at about 5 or 6 months of age (at the time I didn’t know it was possible at that age). For some reason I couldn’t get her spayed while she was in heat; either vets didn’t spay cats in heat back then (circa 1980) or they charged extra for it and I couldn’t afford the extra cost. Anyway, during her confinement to the house, she propositioned her neutered brother Chappel. Anyone who thinks that cats don’t have facial expressions should have seen this! Tig came sliding up to him, half on her back and half on her side, making a chirping-trilling sound. Chappel stared at her with a look on his face that shouted, “What is the matter with you? Are you out of your mind?” He jumped backward a step, never taking his eyes off of her. Tig kept up her attempt at seduction until Chappel ran under the bed and hid.


    Get some rest and be happy the ONLY lovin’she needs when she gets home is from you!


    Poor Chappel!


    Oh, Leeny, that’s funny!


    We had a cat in heat in our neighborhood. The sliding door to the patio was open and the screen door was closed, as usual. My two beautiful boys were gazing at a cardinal with murder in their little hearts, when the female approached the patio, looking winsome.

    The poor sweet female took one look at Rotley and Ruggles (handsome lads) and commenced to roll on the ground, trill, and scoot backwards toward the screen, which was all that stood between herself and the two young males.

    Rotley and Ruggles looked at each other and both trotted off in tandem. I could almost hear one of them saying, “Gross!” and the other answering “Ewwwwwww!”



    Good job getting your kit to the “spa,” Heather. I hope you get some sleep now!


    I was SOOOOOOOO close to sleeping through the night, but ALAS! The plot was foiled… Picture this:

    6:30 AM, alarm set for 7:15, and I hear a loud hiss followed by a screach. I jolt out of bed thinking “Oh god! the stitches opened! or maybe Lexi tried to play and Ginger got hurt! or maybe she fell off something!”

    Panicked, I jumped out of bed, only to see Ginger curled up next to where I’d been laying, looking as shocked as I did.

    I hurried to the living room where I saw Lexi all bristled and hissing, facing the balcony. I opened the blinds and what do you think stood before me? A HUGE orange and white male cat, coming to check out the territory.

    I call that perfect timing on the spay!


    Oh Heather – sorry to laugh, but…ha ha ha ha!!! Cats, you gotta love ’em…

    Welcome to TDK by the way!


    That’s funny Heather. Laughing with you…At least you were close to sleeping through the night and Ginger was not involved 🙂


    Heather, no joke about the timing of Ginger’s spay surgery! Trust me, she was probably drawing every single eligible bachelor within a one-mile radius!!

    KYKAT 12 23

    Heather, shut all the doors and close the curtains tonight and hopefully you will get a good night’s sleep! Glad Gingy made it through the spa day ok.

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