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    My kitten, Hope, is every now and then making this sound that sounds almost like a cooing dove. It’s weird, and I have no idea what’s up with her! She is the only cat in our house that is not fixed so it’s probably because of that…still, I would like to get some thoughts on this problem if anyone knows what this “trilling” (Only thing I learned form the internet is what this is called) is exactly.


    Hi Emily – welcome to The Daily Kitten and conCATulations on Hope being The Daily Kitten today! My brother’s kitten does that too, we call it “breeping”. Sometimes it sounds like “breep?” and other times more of a statement, “breep.”. There is nothing wrong with her, it’s just another adorable thing about her. Hope is a very happy kitten!


    Haha. Cute. Nothing is wrong. My Amos cooes like a pigeon or a dove when he is extra happy. I call him Pigeon Boy when he does that. My late cat Magoo would make trilling sounds all the time when he wanted to announce his presence or when he wanted attention. Cats have tons of different vocalizations.

    Funny story- a friend of mine has a friend who called him in a panic because something was terribly wrong with her brand new (and first ever) kitten, It was making a weird noise and was maybe sick! My friend rushed over. The noise that alarmed the cat novice friend? Purring. 🙂


    Awww Pucca that is funny! That is something I like about this site. There are every kind of cat people – first time all the way to lifers. It is nice to be able to help people with questions and though I’ve had cats in my whole life (mostly black cats), I keep learning new things.


    This all makes perfect sense….yet the only thing left out that doesn’t make sense is this: She moves weird when she “trills”…I don’t even know how to explain it…
    To me, it looks like she is trying to “mate” with somebody and its really weird. She sticks her butt out and moves her tail out of the way.
    Any thoughts on this new info?? LOL


    Hi Emily, it sounds like your little girl is in heat. They trill and coo and chirp and are quite vocal when they come into heat. It’s very important that if you don’t want kittens, that you get her to the vet and get her spayed. She may try to get out or male cats try to get in. If you let her out at all, she most definitely will get pregnant. They also flatten themselves out with their behinds sticking up a bit, sometimes looking over their shoulders and their eyes get squinty. They will roll on the floor too. She will keep coming into heat until she is pregnant or spayed. Hope this helps. 😉

    Cheri Hoyt

    when this happened to my Velvet, I couldn’t get her fast enough to the vet to be spayed, she was that obnoxious…

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