Terry Pratchett has early-onset Alzheimer’s

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    This is very sad news indeed. Aside from being very funny, his books have a lot of heart in them. (As well as a very evil cat, Greebo, whose response to everything is to eat it, fight it, or mate with it–sometimes more than one option.) He can go from laugh-out-loud funny to serious very smoothly, without either part jarring.

    He’s known for being very approachable with his fans and just seems like a great guy all around.

    The first book of his that I read was Wyrd Sisters, a wonderful take on Macbeth. It’s one of his lightest. If you want something with more of an edge to it, Small Gods; Guards, Guards; or Lords and Ladies are all good.

    LadyKat of IA

    I’m not familiar with his work, but my son used to read a lot of fantasy and science fiction. He might know who Terry Pratchett is.

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