Six week old kitten pooping issues

Home The Daily Kitten Cat Chat Forum Cats & Kittens Six week old kitten pooping issues


  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #857600
    Luis Mercado

    Hi, I’m feeling a little desperate and need your advice.

    My wife and I adopted a lovely kitten five days ago. She wasn’t feral but her mother was a stray and it was very obvious our kitten was the less nourished of the pack. She is six weeks old yet she is tiny as a 4 week old one.

    The first thing we did is taking her to a vet for a quick check up. The vet did not found nothing evidently wrong with her. So we took it home and started taking care of her (kitten milk formula, water, a litter, etc). The kitten immediately bonded with us, even refusing to sleep without us at her side. She purrs when she’s with us.

    But two days passed and she wasn’t pooping, so we took her to another vet. The vet again took her temperature and checked her. He did not saw anything wrong but recommended some chewable mild laxatives (of course very small doses) and Royal Canin special food can with extra nutrients, after another two days, no poop yet (btw, we’ve been stimulating her belly and genital area with a cloth or cotton ball and warm water to help her, but she’s not so young to not do it by herself). Another two days passed and nothing so we took her to the vet clinic again. This time another doctor saw her and did a thorough checking. When taking the rectal temperature she did poop a little, just a little, the color was a yellowish brown and the consistency was good, no sign of intestinal blockage or parasites. He said he can’t feel any poop accumulation inside her. He did said her temperature was just a tiny wee low and she is malnourished of course. He recommended another dose of the laxative and semi solid food with water (I’ve been preparing a recipe of solid kitten food soaked in formula, water and all mixed with her can) and she’s been devouring it, poor thing. She’s playful and active, no lethargy at all, but another day has passed and… NO POOP!

    Is this normal at all? Three different vets, no one notices anything wrong, correct food and care, yet no poop. I’m very tempted in trying a little chip of a glycerin suppository. But I’m afraid of being over pressuring her to poop (last night I was so frustrated I yelled, not my proudest moment, but I’m worried).

    Please. Any advice would be welcomed.

    We love her so much (her name is patata, potato in Spanish)


    Welcome to TDKland.

    Thanks for rescuing your wee girl. Without you, she wouldn’t have a chance.

    In answer to your question, her poop seems to be proper appearance. I would be concerned if it was hard which would constipate her. A bit of mineral oil in her formula usually help them poop.

    You may or may not need this information but here’s the advice we give new purr parents:

    Kittens cannot regulate their body temperature so they must be kept warm. Kittens cannot digest food if they’re cold. If you haven’t already, make a nest for them. I think the best way is to place a heating pad, on LOW, covered by a towel and a soft blanket. Also, put a soft shirt of yours in their nest so the know your smell. Be sure to provide a “cool” spot for the kittens to crawl if they get too warm. You can get her a soft, stuffed toy so she can snuggle.

    Here in TDKland, we recommend Goats’ milk for kittens. Cats are lactose intolerant and can’t digest cows milk. Goats’ milk is full of nutrients, probiotics and gentler on their tummies. This can also regulate their poop. If you are using the Goats’ milk concentrate, mix it with pedialyte. Pedialyte gives an extra the extra boost.
    Kitten milk is OK but many TDKers have more success with Goats milk. You can find it in the dairy section or the concentrate in the baking aisle. Mix the concentrate 1:1 with water or pedylite. If it is not available in the stores, you can get Goats’ milk from the “tap” but it will need to be pasteurized. To pasteurize milk, follow these steps:

    Put milk in a double boiler or in jars in a pasteurizer or canner and heat to 165 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds.
    Cool the milk as quickly as possible, but make sure not to put the hot jars in cold water or they will break.
    Store the milk in the refrigerator.

    Keep in mind if she seems lethargic put a dab of Karo syrup or honey in their mouth. This gives a needed of added energy boost to get them eating.
    Here’s an excellent link:

    Good luck and keep in touch


    You say she is malnourished, so her body is probably using all the nutrients at this time. Keep feeding her the royal canin kitten food mixed with formula (or goat’s milk) and add a few drops of olive or mineral oil to her food. She will eventually poop. You can also provide her a litter box too, she is old enough to use one. Use plain clay unscented, NON clumping litter to start with. If you put this down and put her in it after she has eaten, she will probably start digging and go. Make sure to provide her with fresh water at all time too. They sometimes don’t drink it at first, but figure it out eventually. 🙂


    Hi Luis,

    How is your kit doing? I hope she’s getting better.

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