ringworm and weaning

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    we are hand-rearing a three and a 1/2 week old kitten and have just discovered she has ringworm, she is being treated for this now, however we have other pets in the house and we have the kitten quarantined so it wont be passed on. We have the kitten for 3 weeks now and our other pets and ourselves have no signs of ringworm, so hopefully its contained. We feel so bad for the kitten though because she cant run around freely.

    We really want to let her run around freely as soon as possible as she is very playful but we don’t want our other pets to get infected either. We have been told that it can last anywhere between 2 to 7 weeks! Does anyone know how long she will be contagious for?

    Also we are currently trying to wean and litter train her, she is our first cat and we are unsure of the best way to start this. we have her quarantined in a large dog crate and are going to put a small litter box in with her, we have started to stimulate her in the litter box and tried to get her to lap some kitten milk off a small spoon, are we doing this right?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is our first kitten/cat and because we have her in the crate we are finding it hard to wean and litter train her.


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    Thanks Jeankit, links were very helpful 🙂

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