RE: POOP from

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    Section: Pet Tip

    Here is a tip from one of our users:

    I have two male house cats. I have had house cats all my life and have found that if you scoop the solids from their box daily, they never go anywhere they shouldn’t. Cats are very fastidious and like their boxes kept clean. I also use very deep litter so they can bury it. I also know that they like to bury it so deep that even they can’t smell it. Mine have never gone to the bathroom anywhere other than their box. They even come in the house from outside to use it. I use the non-clumping Fresh Step. I had very bad results with the clumping kind. I had a 16-year-old cat that was diabetic. He urinated so much it made the litter stick to his feet and formed a very hard clay crust. I had to soak his feet in warm Epson Salt water to get it off and then it was very sticky so had to use tiny scissors to clip it from between his toes

    Rubia in CA, 4/28

    I tried clumping litter once, and it was horrible! Like you said, it just turned into a giant lump of hard clay! Yuck!

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    In defense of clumping litter, I have had no problems with my cats for 12 years that I have used Fresh Step. At one time I had 4 cats and I found the trick for me was to scoop all debris 2x a day, dump and clean the box once a week and refill. Now that I am down to my last 2 I scoop once a day, still dump and clean once a week. My male urinates quite a bit also and on occasion will have it stick to his back paws. I have found that if there isn’t enough litter in the pan, this is what makes it clump to his feet. But heck, whatever works! As long as our furbabies keep it in the litter box, is good! Just wanted to put out another opinion. Hugs and Purrs


    Wow, I guess clumping litter can really make a mess…. Both in the pan AND on the paws!

    So far, my cats never really had a problem with it. I think I’ve narrowed my cat’s problem down to 2 things. Since I clean all 3-litter boxes every day, I think that it’s very likely my cat’s pooping problem is territorial or separation anxiety. There’s a small cat that comes around our back sliding glass door at night, and one of my cats goes into a frenzy yowling loudly enough to wake the dead, spitting, hissing and jumping onto the glass door at this new stranger. We live in a townhouse, and the rules state that no cats are to be let out at all. This has been going on for months now, and I have not been able to find out whom this nice clean kitty belongs to. Needless to day, when this cat appears at the door, there’s poop on the floor someplace the next morning! I’ve covered up the bottom of the glass last night and got some peace and quiet — And there was no poop this morning! I’ve decided that we need to buy a new glass door this weekend—the kind with the window blinds between the glass so we can close them up at night and the cats can’t move aside the blinds like they do now.

    The separation problem can be a secondary problem in that one of the cats doesn’t like my husband feeding and caring for him. It may be an unlikely scenario, but there’s poop on the floor when sometimes when I am not able to feed and clean up after them and my husband fills in for me. Not sure which problem is the real one, but I’m working on it. My next step is to separate them and find out who has the problem.

    Dee from Tampa

    I just switched over to Cat’s Pride. I like it alot–well, my cats like it alot. It is the only “certifiable flushable clumping litter”–it does not clump rock hard–less odor than with the Tidy Cats that I had been using.


    Hi Dee, where did you get the Cat’s Pride? I had found an Arm & Hammer flushable litter that I (and Bob) really liked, but I can’t find it anywhere now.

    Is the Cat’s Pride “sandy” or “gravely” – Bob likes the sand. Maybe that’s why he makes such a mess – he thinks the litter box is also a sandbox!

    This morning after I changed his litter, he hopped right in and started digging till he had a nice big pile in the middle of the box and then went and stood in it with his legs half-buried. Didn’t do any “business”, just stood there enjoying his fresh litter for a few minutes!


    I use Tidy Cat for multiple cats. They have reformulated it so it’s not dusty at all anymore – I almost thought they had made a mistake at first. I don’t really have any problems with it until it gets too low, and then Sebastian gets it stuck to his back foot (he always has to put one foot on the SIDE of the box so only one back foot goes into the litter box itself – lol.)

    The only cat I have a problem with is Maverick. Sometimes, it doesn’t matter if I clean the box every time somebody uses it, he will pee outside the box. There’s nothing wrong with him, I’ve had him checked. I tried Feliway and it didn’t stop him. I just don’t think he likes sharing a box with the other two. Plus, when he ‘buries’ he acts like he’s digging to China – lol.


    By the way, I’ve noticed the last few times when emptying the litter that it seems to smell more than usual – like ammonia – yuck! Should I be worried about that? I started mixing dry adult cat food in with his dry kitten food because he’s getting kind of fat – could it be because I changed his diet?


    Great Dane, Huddy does that too. He loves nice fresh litter and will sometimes just sit there. Not doing anything. Just sitting there. What a goofy Huddlebugg I have.


    Hi Great Dane-

    Just saw your post about the ammonia smell in the litterbox. I accidentally bought another type of Science Diet several months ago (got the one for indoor cats, rather than adult original). It really did change their little systems. I got much more smell, and even more debris than usual. I had the big 20 lb. bag, so when I realized what was happening, I got their usual type and just mixed them together until the outdoor cat stuff ran out. Slowly, they got back to normal. Thank goodness!!


    Ha ha, Huddy! Actually I was hysterical laughing last week, when the Bob was in a big hurry and got out of the litterbox before he was done doing “number two”, which ended up on the floor – he just starts walking away before he’s done! Anyway, he turns around and looks at his pile of “business” on the tile and then turns his back to it and proceeds to “dig” on the tile floor to try and bury it! Three times did he turn around, discover it was still there, and turned around again to continue “digging” and “covering” it! When I was done laughing at the little dummy, I picked it up and put it in the litterbox – little guy was happy he could then hop in there and bury it for real!


    Bob is SO funny. He needs his own TV show. Adventures with Bob.


    I swear by Ever Clean. It’s clumping, excellent and expensive – 25 pounds (11,3 kg) costs 19,95 € (~27.70 $). But both cats and I are happy with it so I think I’ll continue to use it.



    Dee from Tampa

    Great Dane–I get the Cat’s Pride at Wal-Mart and Albertson’s–much cheaper at Wal-Mart. It is sandy. I like the sand better, too. You don’t almost sever a toe if you step on it on the bathroom floor!

    As long as we are sharing stories about our pooping kitties, I had to throw in that Atticus always places both paws on the side of the litter box when he uses it–he is practically standing up. He always reminds me of Leonardo DiCaprio yelling, “I’m the king of the world!” in Titanic! haha!


    I just checked the US prices for Ever Clean. . I weep.

    PS. Oh Boy, Oh Boy, We Want Bobby Video!!!

    (It doesn’t rhyme but I hope it works.)


    Great visual about Atticus! I just blamed my kitties for not doing anything exciting in the litter box. Hope they listened. 😉


    Dee – My sister’s late and beloved Jade used to do that. It’s like he was on the lookout when he was in the litter box.

    Participant, Miu, how COULD you???? Now I’ll have to make sure I leave the credit card at home!( I have already had to ban myself from Amazon!)

    Hmmmm, but I still have it today! Should check on a video camera for Bobby videos! Ooooooh, be RIGHT back!


    I LOVE the fact that one of the busiest places on TDK today, is the “poop page”!

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