Pastor in story who survives church collapse is my brother

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    Cat talk rules

    This story is about my brother. I wrote a short description of the incident on the night shift last night It was in the paper today so I thought I would try posting the article. I have never done it before so hope that I can.


    It may be a long recovery, but he is surely one lucky man, you must be so thankful.


    That must have been terrifying for all involved and could have been a lot worse than it was, the Lord works in mysterious ways. Glad they are both recovering.

    Cat talk rules

    Madcatwoman, We are–It was a miracle. The what have beens are too terrible to even think about==a broken leg is not so bad comparitively speaking.

    AZDEBRA 5/27 & crew

    Sandi, What a scary thought, your initial telling of it made me think that God does work in mysterious ways. There has to be some reason for this to have happened, I hope his healing goes well.


    Oh my Sandi, I’m SO glad your brother survived although he’ll have a long rehab.I believe there is a reason for everything. Prayers for his recovery.


    Dear Sandi; I am so very saddened to hear of your brother and his church’s calamity. SO VERY grateful to the Lord that He has promised NEVER to leave us or forsake us.Au contraire! The very fact his injuries and the churches damages have drawn His family ever closer in unity with Him confirms that His Word never comes back null or void, but fulfills the purpose for which it was sent! I will confer these events with my little Church here in Seattle and will be back in touch with you by Mon. or Tues. after I return from the San Juan Islands where I presently am. Please look for me on either of those days posts(Night-Shift OR Cyber-Cafe.)

    All of us here at TDK are here for you in heart and spirit,say hello to your brother and his congregation from Chris and the Lutheran Church of Steadfast Love in Seattle!!


    Wow–you must be so thankful.


    My greetings and well-wishes to your brother. He sure is a lucky = blessed man.


    Blessings to your brother Sandi. My goodness, what a thing to happen!

    Cat talk rules

    Thank you everyone for your kind words, thoughts and prayers. I will let him know that many are praying for him. He went home today but it is a 40 mile trip and he was dreading the transition from hospital to home. It is almost impossible for him to get about and yesterday his muscles went into a spasm and wouldn’t let him move that leg at all. It seems this will sometimes happen with trauma patients as the muscles are trying to protect him from being injured further.


    Sandi, I can identify with what you and your brother are going through. Our littermates who have known me from the beginning know that my daughter “Ladybug” was seriously injured in a car wreck a little over a year ago when she was just 14. She was thrown from a Jeep that overturned when the driver (my son) took a sharp turn on an unfamilar gravel road at much too high a rate of speed. The car landed on top of her. The fact that she survived at all involved SEVERAL miracles on the part of the Almighty. We were told that she might not survive the life-flight trip to the nearest trauma center in Houston, nearly 100 miles away.

    It turned out that although she had broken every bone in her face (her jaw in 2 places), and completely shattered an eye socket, she had NO injuries below her skull save a couple of nickel-sized bruises. She also had no brain damage, although to this day she has some issues with headaches and short-term memory loss, although she has kept up her class load–2 pre-AP classes last year and THREE this year!

    By the grace of God, Ladybug wound up at Memorial Hermann Hospital in the Texas Medical Center, whose trauma department is headed by Dr. “Red” Duke. Dr. Duke INVENTED the life-flight concept, using what he had learned at a military trauma surgeon to develop a civilian version that I believe was a major factor in my daughter’s amazing recovery. Ladybug required two surgeries: one to re-set her jaw that took 4 hours (we had been told it would take 6-8), and the other (a 6-hr. surgery) to reconstruct her face and eye socket. The first surgery was by Dr. Arun Gadre (who has since taken a position in Tennessee), and Dr. Gadre was assisted in the second surgery by a plastic surgeon who specialized in the eye, Dr. Richard Urso. If I were to tell you how great Dr. Urso is, it would take all week. All the people at Hermann are miracle workers!

    She spent 10 days at Hermann (4 in the Shock/Trauma ICU and 6 in the Pediatric ward), and is still recovering, although she was able to work out with the cross-country team when practice began 8 weeks after the accident. The eye damage has taken the longest to overcome–she had double vision for about 6 months, and still may need one more surgery to fix a slightly droopy eyelid. Still, she looks great (if you saw the pictures on my posting on the “Suggestion” forum, that one of Ladybug was taken this June–1 year after the accident).

    I am amazed that your brother didn’t lose his leg. I think that if this had happened just a few years ago, he might have. I am constantly thanking God that we live in a place and time when so many medical innovations are available to us! If you want to talk about things, e-mail me at catspringginnyATyahooDOTcom. The recovery is the most tedious part, because there is so much patience required and frustration involved. There may also be some post-traumatic stress (we have had to deal with that–it’s not easy or quick, but it CAN be overcome).

    Please know that I am praying for you and your brother. We’ve been there, done that, and the T-shirt is now used as a dust cloth!

    {{{purrs and headbonks!}}}

    Cat talk rules

    Ginny thanks for sharing your story with me. I know that it is only by the grace of God that he survived or wasn’t paralyzed or all the awful things that might have been. I’m so thankful your daughter survived and is doing well. Did your son have a hard time handling it all–I think that would be a hard thing for him to deal with also


    In truth, Sandi, I think he has had a harder time dealing with his trauma than my daughter had with hers. “Scooter” walked away without a scratch–the only one to do so.

    The other passenger in the car, Ladybug’s best friend, savagely broke her arm in an attempt to keep my daughter from flying out. In the process of bear-hugging my daughter, her friend’s arm went out the open window and the car rolled on top of the friend’s shoulder. It caused her humerus to break and jammed the broken part into her shoulder blade, but caused enough resistance to keep the car from crushing my daughter’s skull (which certainly would have ended her life as we know it, if not totally). It took extensive surgery, and left an awful scar (she loves the attention it brings her, though!), but she is back playing her trombone and did very well in tennis last spring.

    The mental anguish, though, has stayed with our son. Sadly, I don’t think it helped that all our energies had to go into getting through the initial period of uncertainty of knowing if our daughter would survive and, if so, at what capacity. We couldn’t be there when our son had to face the JP with the charges against him (my parents were, though), and he had an even harder time accepting our forgiveness of him because he couldn’t forgive himself. He has been a “lost soul,” rejecting our home and our love. It is only in the last few weeks that he has begun to put his life back together. He enlisted in the Navy (he leaves in December), has moved back home and gotten a job at a local fast-food place in the interim. The road is still rough, but he has been more willing lately to look at things from outside his own narrow field of vision. I do what I can, but the main thing that needs to happen is for Scooter to accept love from us and from God. He can’t get past his own feeling of unworthiness. The fact that this week he has had his heart broken for the first time by a love interest isn’t helping. I so want my son to succeed, but he is his own worst enemy.

    Cat talk rules

    I’ll put him on my prayer list Ginny. I don’t know if you saw about 3 weeks ago when I wrote about my trailer catching on fire because of my neighbor’s carelessness. That girl is having a hard time forgiving herself at just what might have been. It was only a miracle that 2 young men saw the fire and put it out because if they hadn’t I don’t think I could have got out in time. It was on the outside of my bedroom wall the closet between me and it. There wasn’t even smoke damage in my house.


    I missed that, Sandi. I am so sorry that it happened. Let that little lady know that she is not the only one who feels what she feels. It’s one of Satan’s favorite and most effective scams for keeping souls from God: “God CAN’T love me because I don’t deserve it.”

    That leads to the Christian apologist’s definition of mercy, and the best definition I know: “‘mercy’ is NOT getting the punishment that someone deserves,” as opposed to grace, which is “getting some benefit that a person does not deserve.”

    Meanwhile, how are you doing? Did you have insurance, and is it meeting your needs? How are you getting by day-to-day?

    Cat talk rules

    Ginny, I’m fine. I have insurance but it is her responsibility to fix it and she wants to. Its hard because she is poor but I think my church may help out there and if that happens it will be a concrete example of mercy. My house is really liveable the damage is outside and not huge. It needs to be fixed before it gets really cold. My sister was really shook up at what might have been and was really angry at the neighbor for a while and I had to deal with that but she has calmed down so I’m glad. The thing that bothered me the most aside from could I have gotten my furbabies out was how something happening to me would have affected the people in my life. And I have a deep awe and sense of gratitude to God that He gave me a miracle–and then last week He gave me another one.


    Amen, sister. In the meantime, take advantage of the “second chance” you’ve been given to work out a plan of what to do both with yourself and your furbabies in the event of an emergency. Also make a “Plan B” and a “Plan C”; things almost never go as you expect. Practice, too–you are much less likely to panic if your plan becomes instinct, and it is the panic that kills more often than the circumstances themselves. Glad to hear that tempers are, well, becoming more temperate. (A little “low-flying humor” to start your day–I am obligated to dole out a bad pun whenever I mention Instinct lest he wallop me with the whack-bonk stick!)


    Sandi, I’m so relieved that your brother Rick will be okay. It’ll be a long and uncomfortable road to recovery, but it really sounds as if he couldn’t be in better hands. At least it sounds as if the prognosis is that he’ll regain the use of his leg; that’s very good news indeed, when you’re talking about that many different fractures.

    I’m glad that Rick’s pain is being well managed. It seems he has the kind of attitude and determination it will take to get through surgery and physical therapy. Please let him know there are people wishing the very best for him, at TDK.

    Cat talk rules

    Ginny, I have been working on that plan although I’m not sure what one does with cats to be sure they are where I can get them out quickly. I know that they wouldn’t allow me to put them in kitty carriers to sleep. LOL The dog is easy though he never leaves my side. Annecetra, thanks for your kind words and I will let him know how many people are thinking of and praying for him.

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