Night Shift 9/15

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    Thanks for the encouragement on the job, everybody. I’m really excited about this one! However, I hate getting my hopes up, just to be dashed. Oh, well, must be optimistic.

    Hope everyone is having a good evening.


    Thanks Shakira. I have a lot more stories that I will be adding as I am able and as often as Teresa does stupid things to write about.

    More than one person has told me I should write a book about Teresa, but I think I will stick to posting them here for the entertainment of others. It’s also very therapeutic to me because I have to deal with this person at least two or three times a week.

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    KW, Wait!!! * runs up to KW as she is setting the table with plate in right hand, utensils in the left and napkin neatly tucked into her shirt, may I be a guest for dinner, too? Bow’s head and looks up with puppy dog eyes in hope of enjoying hubby’s cooking, too!!*

    MM, love food network too. I agree, I don’t always like alot of what they cook. I love to cook, but in no way am I a fancy cook. I was raised on fairly basic foods and these days, it’s about all my stomach will tolerate. But have learned alot over the years and have used their recipes from time to time. Hugs and purrs.


    Wow,KW! That sounds delicious! I just ate a veggie burger-Yuck!

    Hi Lynn,I’m sorry you felt uncomfortable and I’m glad you shared with us. Seeing you talk made me feel safe enough to trust people and post again.

    You all are very nice people.


    Wow Lynn…I did the same thing. We built the control boxes that run the intersection lights. Traffic control devices also for hospitals & fire & police that allowed them to change the lights when there were emergencies & they had to get thru them. We built some boxes for wind mills also. Could you tell Kay for me that I think that’s cool. As good as I was in that field,It had no Union security,nothing to retire on so I had to move on to other things. I loved that kind of work,kept the hands busy.

    OOPS…I just looked at the clock cus the fuzzy’s were making a racket…I better go feed them. Ya’ll take care


    Good luck on getting that job, Max and Molly’s Mom

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    Bumblebee, I wouldn’t be surprised that you would have dreamt of me. I have had that and other strange things happen to me as well. However, your description sounds good, but I have red hair and brown eyes! Never even thought of being blond! Sometimes when we connect with people, I believe that we can somehow cross to their area to send comfort and see them. That may have been where you were. Thanks for visiting! Hugs and Purrs, Lynn


    I have something cool to share:

    A kennel club in this area raised $1,655 to purchase 30 sets of masks in 3 different sizes, for the fire fighters to use on pets when they need oxygen. They are presenting them to the Fire Dept. this Sat at a function. Isn’t that SO COOL???? They said animals are peoples kids in some cases and are important also. Awwww…..


    Whew! We’ve got some pretty educated and high tech people here, don’t we?

    It’s nice to be able to talk to such a variety of people. I wish I had finished college, but I was young and stupid and wanted to get married (actually, wanted to get out of the house and my parent’s jurisdiction). Not a wise decision, but no one could tell me that at 19 years old-I knew everything.

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    Shakira, I thank you for your kind words. I am very humbled that my relating my experience has brought you back here to spend time with us. I welcome you back as we all do. *Walks up to Shakira and gives her warm embrace*. Welcome home, girlfriend.

    Susie, I see that you and Kay have alot of the same similarities. Since we were a custom company, we built for many different vendors. We did have a large contract at one time with Motorola, we built the supplies for their cell towers. I’ve been gone too long to remember the other vendors. Was a pretty good place to work. Hugs and purrs.


    Bumblebee-maybe if we get enough donations in the TDK fund, we could allocate some money to something like that. First, though we will address needs of the TDK members. Terri made the suggestion to the TDK fund committee that we might made a donation to the Burke Co. Animal Shelter (Chester/Jerry’s Fund) once or twice a year if we have the funds. Since we will have a non-profit status, we will want to use it, not just keep it in the bank.



    That sound great. It is so wonderful that we can make a difference in this challanging world.

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    Max and Mollys Mom, we’re not high tech and overly educated! Kay and I only completed high school. I went to school and business was my major. Mom said all nice girls work in an office. I wanted shop, not home ec!! Girls weren’t allowed back then in shop, so learned how to cook, sewing was a disaster. Found out that I couldn’t play on the football team either! Dad and I went round for round on that one!! So was very good at accounting, did that for a while, got married, had kids, didn’t work. When I got divorced, electronics was a booming thing around here, so got work in that area. Hated being on the line, I don’t sit still very well. Like to be physical. Went and became flag girl in construction, not a good thing. No bathroom facilities, got very sick. Quit that, went back to electronics. Got hired back at Deltron again, in the stock room. Loved it. Worked up to group leader and receiving and thats what I do now, well, shipping a receiving for another company. Like to be busy and moving. So you see, we aren’t high tech, just older. You didn’t need college back then. Now even though we are older, not having college degree will really hurt you here. But so far so good! Hugs and Purrs

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    Congrats on the masks for the pets, Bumblebee, know that made your day! Glad to see people stepping up to the plate for our furry friends.

    Owlwatcher, look forward to more funny stories about Teresa. What a hoot! Hugs and purrs.



    Sounds like you were a tom boy like me. My daughter was too. I hated “sissy girls” that were afraid to touch a worm for example. I would beat up boys with my long handled pocketbook in 6th grade, spinning it around over my head, and whacking them! Boy, was that fun! I was also best of friends with a few nice boys, played basketball with them, etc. Had nothing to do with the girly girls…. Would share my new colored pencils with Gifford for map work ~ my favoite! Always enjoyed playing with the boys outside.

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    Yes, Bumblebee, I was the tom boy, still am. Get called sir, more than Ma’am! Doesn’t bother me, though, I love the redfaced apologies that come later! I know they feel worse than they thought I did. Didn’t play much sports in school, some softball and then my littlest sister showed up when I was 16 and ended that career! I did play football with all the boys in the neighbors all the years I was growing up though. That was my 1st love. Didn’t much assoicated with the girls. Just didn’t get what they were all about. Hair, make-up, boys? Oh well, life went on and here I am!!! Hugs and purrs.



    Do you get wasps in your exaust vent over the stove? I get a nest in there each year. When I put the fan or light on over the stove (try NOT to) There are wasps flying around my house. What a pain.

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    No,I don’t. I get them under my awning, behind the shutters on the house and in my shed. I don’t get them in the house, unless I let the front door open to let the cats on the patio and they fly in. Maybe if you could put spray some wasp spray (on a calm and sunny day on the outside portion of the vent, it might help keep them out. Mine doesn’t shut tight either and I don’t use mine much, so I am surprised I don’t get them. Stay safe. Hugs and purrs.


    Lynn-Guess it isn’t the education so much as the street-smarts and experience. I’m one of the “older” ones, too. Which makes it hard to get a job because they’ll think you will be retiring to collect social security. However, being a “baby-boomer”, I can’t start collecting full social security until I’m 66. Any sooner, and it’s a reduced amount. But I could do it and still keep on working. I don’t know what I’d do if I retired. About the only thing I like to do is play golf and read, and with my back problems now, I’m limited to the reading. And tv, and talking with you guys here at TDK~~now that’s not so bad…..

    Lynn from PA 6/8

    Yes, MM, I know what you mean. I can’t retire til 66 either. Although, I don’t think I will able to afford to retire. They want the younger kids at a lower pay, but what they don’t realize it that we were raised with a different work ethic than the younger ones. They figure they are owed it all. We know that we have to earn it all. My dad always said, just make sure each day when you are done working, that you can look yourself in the mirror and say to yourself, that you have earned your pay for the day. If you can do this, you have done a good job. I still believe that to this day and try to live up to that. (Not all days, mind you, I am older!!) but most days I can. The younger ones just want what they can think they are owed. Hard work is nothing to be ashamed of and most rewarding. I wish more employers would see that in us “Older workers” Hugs and purrs.

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